848 Belt Change, Remove Tank?

Discussion in '848 / 1098 / 1198' started by Martin Chapman, Feb 24, 2020.

  1. Hi all, I’m about to do the belt change and the manual mentions nothing about removing the tank first, just the side fairings.
    The vertical cover looks (not tried yet) as though it would need the tank off to remove.
    For those of you who have done it, can you do it without removing the tank?
    Many thanks
    848 evo Corse Se
  2. looking at mine when I checked the belts the other week, you absolutely do need to remove the tank. I can't see that you can get the vertical belt cover out without taking it out the top unless you literally bend it out over the clutch cover which is plain nasty! Also I imagine the belt etc has to drop in from the top. TBH, I don't think there is any short cuts with this sort of job.
  3. You need to take the spark plugs out..
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  4. Thanks both for the info, and yes of course if I’m taking the plugs out, it’s got to happen anyway!
    Thanks again.
  5. Mine is due and was debating doing it myself, on a scale of 1 to Ball-ache, how hard is it?
  6. 5. Just take your time without distractions.
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  7. Is valve clearance checks in the same ball park or worse?
  8. Harder
    • Agree Agree x 1
  9. I did my valves the same time as the belts. Lots of the job is removing, tank, fairings, trim, plugs. Had to remove the radiator to get the front plug out.
    So to me I though I may as well do both while I’m there.
  10. The normal procedure on a 999 is to lift the rear of the tank and prop it up to give sufficient clearance.
    This is possible because the front of the tank is held in place by means of two large prongs that locate in rubber bushes that are soft enough to allow a fair bit of movement.
    Whether the 848 tank is mounted in a similar way I don't know.
  11. The tank is easy enough to take off with the quick release lines. But the radiator sounds like a pain in the arse
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