I'm pretty sure this can be used to replace the rotary shock on a Suzuki TLs so if you don't get much luck selling it on here it would be worth putting on the TLZone for sure. Someone on there will snap it up quick at that price.
Pretty sure. I wanted to do this when I had my TL but couldn't find one at a price I could afford at the time. They use them without the spring and it transforms the handling. I remember a guy paying around 400 quid for one so yours will sell. I'll Google the detail now and let you know if it's this one that's used. Also just thought there's more activity on the Facebook tlzone page rather than the forum now so take a look at that.
Yep it's a 1098 shock that is used without the spring plus a bit of modification. Have a look here for a bit more detail. The 1098 option is a bit further down the thread https://www.tlzone.net/threads/tl1000s-rear-shock-conversion.141129/
A guy on a Ducati facebook group sent me to this forum as I am looking for this ohlins rear for a standard 1098. How much would it cost to ship to the states?
hes not here anymore as far as i know ! try boonstra parts in holland they had a couple of 1098,s for breaking