899 Rapidbike Shift Assist

Discussion in 'Panigale' started by Kage, Mar 3, 2020.

  1. Hi guys
    I already have the RapidBike Evo tuning module fitted to my bike. Now I'm in the process of fitted the shift assist.
    I've fed the wiring harness from the module between the radiator and front cylinder and plugged it into the RapidBike Evo wiring loom, but I just wanted to clarify something with the next part.
    The load cell wire connects to the 2-pin connector that comes from the shift assist module mounted to the right side of the bike. The instructions advise to run the cable up and over the ignition area. To anyone who has done this, did you just leave the cable floating or did you secure it somehow? Any pics would help.
    Also, what's the ideal route for the load cell cable to follow when connecting to the lead up by the ingnition.
    Finally, is there a correct way round the load cell should be mounted on the shift-rod.
    Many thanks
  2. If you are not too much in a hurry, I can take a few pictures for you and post them in the afternoon since my bike in apart.
    I routed the cable on from the load cell through the left side under the LH side panel. Then under the ignition key where it comes connected to the other side of the cable. I zip tied the cable a little bit so that it doesn't jump around but nothing major. The important thing is that at the load cell you leave enough slack on the cable so that it doesn't get damaged during shifting,...
    In any case you can wire the cable where you like, just avoid any parts that give away serious heat, that won't melt the cable.

  3. PM with photos sent

  4. I'm about to do this operation as well next week! Sorry for Hijacking, but where did you place the Rapidbike Evo? I see many people placing them down low where the exhaust flap-actuator is/was seated. Also if you don't mind I would like to see the pictures as well. :)
  5. I placed the RapidBike module like you described down low where the servo motor for the exhaust used to be. If you still have the original exhaust this means that you don't have space there. In this case I saw some people placing them on the plastic on the left side in front(se picture)

    in any case be careful where you place the cable that goes across the radiator. It must be over the top of the front spark plug and fasten them with zip-ty. If you place it lower, there is a chance it will fall on the lower radiator and then hit the exhaust pipe. Last week I was changing the starter motor and spark plugs, and when I put back the radiator I forgot to pay attention to this and the cable fell under to the exhaust pipe...the result was a melted RapidBike cable, throttle not working and all sort of engine error's displayed on the dash and eventually the bike not starting.

    If you also have the shift assist I placed the shift assist module on top of the main factory ECU, like the installation guide says. How I routed the cable you cans see from the pictures here
    IMG_2077.JPG IMG_2076.JPG IMG_2075.JPG IMG_2074.JPG IMG_2073.JPG IMG_2072.JPG

  6. Thanks for the comprehensive explanation! So if I understand correctly you put the rapid bike blipper on the right side of the bike on to the ECU? I like the position of the Evo Module on the first picture. Probably going for that!
  7. Yes I put the shift assist module on the right side. If you didn't get the installation manual you can find it on the link below. just scroll to the bottom of the page where you have the manuals for multiple bikes


  8. Thanks for all the information! I will be doing the fitting next weekend :)
    • Like Like x 1
  9. Hi Ordieee
    I put my RapidBike Evo module on the left front of the bike as per the picture Saso uploaded. I have the space under the bike as my exhaust valve and it’s motor have been removed, but I felt the side of the bike was a neater option. You’ll have to drill some holes to mount it though.
  10. Saso, any pointers regarding setup? I’m now fully installed, but the gear shift requires a lot of pressure to change up and it certainly isn’t very slick. I did follow the initial setup guide, but maybe there’s a bit more I need to do within the software?
  11. Hi. So the sensitiveness if up to a couple of factors. What kind of rear sets are you using, preload sensitiveness and cut off times. In the software you can adjust from which RPM does the shifter / bliper start to work. Then you can also change the cut-off times for specific RPM range and also gears I think. Regarding the rear sets I am using OEM ones I just made a custom shift rod that is more stiff. That is because the V2 engine gives a lot of vibration and what was happening to me was that in the higher RPM's the vibrations created in the shift rod got the load cell thinking that I am shifting and I cut the engine(for shifting) and the put the power back on. Lucky for me this happened to me on the track. I could not fix the problem so I got RapidBike to make me some custom blipper software(programs) that sorted out the problems.
    Regarding the software I didn't change much. I increased the cut of times in the lower RPM's and I adjusted the preload to a higher level(higher means more force in the shifter).
    If you have a felling that you need to use a lot of force, then try to lower the preload settings, but be careful of the problem I wrote before. You can also play a bit with the cut off times. Remember that when you set a setting to click the apply button and also send map in the software.

    But in any case I would not recommend using the shifter/blipper under 5k RPM's.

  12. Thanks Saso.
    I’ll spend some time self isolating in the garage tomorrow with my Panigale. Hopefully just a few minor adjustments and I’ll be shifting smooth & slickly.
    • Like Like x 2
  13. Hi Guys

    Unfortunately I'm still having issues with my RapidBike shift assist.

    I've had lots of advice via email and telephone calls with the U.K. Distributors for RapidBike products. In the end they suggested returning the device for a replacement. Fortunately the shop that originally sold it to me was happy to do this with the details of my correspondence with the distributors backing up my issues.

    The new shift assist arrived today and I installed today (albeit with the cables still needing final routing. Unfortunately, I'm still experiencing problems. When I test the operating by selecting an imaginary 7th gear and seeing if I get 0.0V in the switch gear display, the reading of 4.*V doesn't change!

    This is getting really frustrating. I've checked the wiring & connections and all is good. I will get in touch with the distributors again tomorrow, but has anyone had similar experiences? It might just be something simple that I'm missing-like should the load sensor screw in a certain way round? I've copied Saso's setup, but I notice he has flipped the mount to achieve a race shift pattern!

    Any suggestions?
  14. Hi did u sort this problem? I have fitted one on my 899 today and have got the same problem?
  15. Same problem here although i get a very quick voltage change although its really hit and miss, turning the preload all the way down (10) seems to help a little but its still not working as it should - the shift assist does kind of work but i get ignition cuts where it seems to be overly sensitive, if I dial the sensitivity down it just stops working altogether, I suspect these issues are due to the initial setup not working correctly.

    I’ve been onto RB who said to upgrade the firmware and use contact cleaner on the 2 pin connector, they also suggested cutting the 2 wires and soldering them together but I haven’t done that as the strain gauge is definitely sending a signal, you can see the movement being registered through the software.

    I sure theres a good QS/blipper in there somewhere, any input from anyone would be most appreciated.
  16. Welcome, why don’t you introduce yourself properly in the newbies section too please?
  17. So ive been lucky enough to get the Rapid Bike Shift Assist to work correctly, after lots of Emails to RB’s support team I was sent new firmware for both the Evo and Shift Assist units, I also had to clean the contacts for the 2 pin plug (thin cable that connects the shifter to the module) and apply heat wrap to both ends of the connector, i also rerouted the cables a little and changed the location mounting of the unit itself, ran the initial setup again using 50 preload and filtering type 2 and now have a fully working QS with blipper also working as it should, there’s no ignition cuts or over sensitive inputs whatsoever, the difference really is night and day!

    If your struggling with the same problems i was having then persevere, theres a bloody good QS/blipper in their and its likely just the firmeware updates that made the difference - I was thinking of selling bike as this whole issue was really p*ssing me off but may hold onto it now as it completely transforms the riding experience.
  18. Good to hear you've got this working successfully, I have the Evo & Shift Assist on my 899 and it works perfectly 99.5% of the time. There is the odd occasion where it misses a beat but I put that down to the user error. Do you mind sharing what firmware versions you were supplied and what model you have?
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