Selfish Or Not Selfish?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by West Cork Paul, Mar 20, 2020.


Selfish or not

Poll closed Mar 22, 2020.
  1. Selfish, think of others at this time

  2. Get out, who knows when you’ll next be able too.

  1. Today I am planning to get out on the bike coz the sky is blue and the roads are dry and it may be the last chance for a few weeks. However the thought occurred to me, am I being selfish? Whilst I sincerely hope it doesn’t happen, what if I have an off? Would it be putting an unnecessary burden on an already overloaded health service?

    Vote & discuss.
    • WTF WTF x 1
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  2. o_O
    • Face Palm Face Palm x 1
  3. There is never a good time or a good reason to go out on your bike.

    So ... Do what you normally do. But keep your helmet on at all times. Visor shut.
  4. Interesting, although we never think we will have an accident, should we be making unnecessary journeys and possibly adding unnecessary strain to the emergency services.
    I had planned on the odd run out on the bike to break the boredom but now have had second thoughts, my enjoyment can wait a little longer.
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  5. It’s not certain that you will have an off, but there is a chance.
    In terms of risk avoidance the best solution is to not ride. That is the best way to not burden the emergency services.
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  6. Get out and ripple some tarmac, life`s to short to worry about what if`s.
    Enjoy, I`m jealous, my bike is still in bits being serviced.
    • Agree Agree x 2
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  7. get out and ride, im going out over the weekend weather permitting
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  8. The advice is to get exercise but avoid people
    A bike ride seems a perfect option

    On your bike Westie :)
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  9. Me too. No lock-down permitting :)
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  10. get out and ride - just don't make it a hoon.
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    • Agree Agree x 1
  11. Too right I’m going out, I’ve only just put the thing back together!
  12. If you pay for pertrol you can do it at the pump with card, if with cash then wear your gloves. It's not like it's you're on the tube or bus or even in a car, just you and a tankfull of go juice.

    Unless you're delivering food of course in which case stop beathing on my pizza
    • Agree Agree x 1
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  13. Don't think it's anything to do with catching the virus, it's if the worst happens taking up emergency services and hospital beds unnecessarily.
    • Agree Agree x 3
  14. Got out last night.. A lot of salt on the road, but we weren't in full beans mode..
  15. Ride it. Accidents can happen and it would be unfortunate if one occurred but as already said if you don't go you could be affected in another way. Life is surprisingly short and ought to be lived.
  16. I was trying to organise a wee jaunt to Glenshee today but thought better of it, my wife is in the at-risk category and I would probably get to within 2 metres of people there - very low risk but still a risk. On the bike almost zero risk of getting within 2 metres so if you are happy with the risk of injury (it's always there whatever) then go for it :motorcycleduc::upyeah::D
  17. You made me think, pity the petrol attendant who tells any biker to remove their helmet before pump turned on..
    • Agree Agree x 4
    • Funny Funny x 2
  18. Go out and enjoy

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  19. The ACU has asked all race licence holders to suspend any level of track activity in case of creating medical demands.
    While road riding is still ultimately A-B transportation for a lot of us, the fun rides out will be over very soon I imagine.
    • Useful Useful x 1
  20. i voted selfish. only because i am stuck at work. when it's scortchio.
    • Funny Funny x 2
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