Ducati Forum

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by michel couque, Mar 21, 2020.

  1. Hi all.

    It has occurred to me that this fantastic forum will help keep many of us sane in the upcoming months through these troubles times, especially the jokes section where Wroughtironron makes me piss myself. Also I ask myself how much risk is there in me going out for a ride , refuelling via a pay at pump and going back home again? My bike keeps saying to me let’s get out!

    This forum is an incredible asset to us all, none more so than now. My thanks and gratitude to all those who keep it up and running.

    I wish you and your families a safe and healthy time ahead.
    #1 michel couque, Mar 21, 2020
    Last edited: Mar 21, 2020
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  2. @wroughtironron makes you piss your pants. He makes me cack myself. Who knows what he is making other people do.

    He's dangerous. He must be stopped.

    Good post, OP!
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  3. I blame it on my Grandad.

    I once asked him how he'd lived so long - he was well past 80 at the time.

    He smiled and said "Well Ron, the secret is - I sprinkle a little gunpowder on my cereal every morning."

    I always thought that was a little weird but he did live a long life and left a great legacy;

    • a thriving business
    • a loving wife,
    • seven children,
    • sixteen grandchildren,
    • two great-grandchildren,
    • and a massive hole in the crematorium wall.
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  4. The risk of catching corona will be very very low, the risk to you and others will be if you have an off: You might not get the level of emergency service that you might need, tbh that is a risk we take anyway, and with quieter roads it could be arguably safer. Murphy's law is a strong one though.. you may also put strain on emergency services that could otherwise be helping someone else.

    There is a possibility it wont be long before we are on complete travel lock down. I'm tempted to get out today, it looks lovely out!
  5. I’m going out for a solo today, had a group ride planned for tomorrow, due to social responsibilities I have ducked out of it. Will only do solo and without needing a refuel etc. BTW wear disposable gloves when refuelling as NHS say it’s a defo contact problem.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  6. Yes just back from a 120 mile blast, refuelled with protection, all the bloody plastic gloves taken from the pumps , will have to use durex instead?

    great ride , although the world is a pretty shitty place right now, I feel a lot better


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  7. Me and @bradders had a good blast out today
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  8. Willingham Woods was rammed with bikes when we went past today. That refusal to observe voluntary measures will contribute to mandatory measures. So yeah, thanks for that... you big bunch of middle-aged renegades. :mask::rolleyes:
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  9. What’s wrong with going for a ride? Pay at pumps, or contact less payment and no receipt, keep distance when stopping, don’t swap spit with other bikers ;)
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  10. There were 100+ bikes lined up like any other weekend day... folks gassing away and buying / drinking coffee.

    wrong with going for a ride, but a bit silly to go to a biker caff and carry on as normal. I’ll be going out for a ride myself tomorrow, but more along the lines you mention @bradders and I’ll be riding like Grandma as the last thing I want is to put more pressure on the NHS at this time.
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  11. This thread seems to have swerved already (it's never me see :eyes:)

    Back on topic:

    Dads Army Cast.jpg
    • Funny Funny x 4
    • WTF WTF x 1
  12. fvck off ya cvntcha.........
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  13. None of the normal sloppy kisses between you two at the end of your ride today I hope? X
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  14. Ah no mate
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