V4 Weird Electrical Gremlin

Discussion in 'Panigale' started by Mr. Faffington, Mar 28, 2020.

  1. I hope everyone's keeping safe in these crazy times.

    I'm trying to help someone remotely with an electrical problem on their V4.

    The indicators both light up, sometimes without the ignition on and the switchgear is not responsive.

    After he warms the bike up after about 7 min they turn off an operate normally.

    The bike is fitted with a BikeTrac but my first thought is there is a dodgy earth somewhere, a loose connection or maybe of some corrosion. My next thought would be the BikeTrac system interfering or maybe even a dodgy battery.

    My question is this, does anyone have any thoughts on this and or, does anyone have a wiring diagram for the bike they could sent me?

  2. @Phill748, is experiencing something similar with his V2. Andy
  3. That looks like the dude I'm trying to help. I only saw the bike from the front so assumed it was a V4.

    Thanks for your help.
  4. Did you happen to both use the same supplying dealer, maybe the tech wired the tracker to a non compatible circuit ?
  5. Ahh I probably didn't make it clear. I saw a post on Twitter from Phil about this problem and I was trying to help him out there. I don't have a problem with a V4, I just thought I'd ask this forum if anyone had a wiring diagram of come across a similar problem. My bad really.
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  6. Sorry yes this is me, it’s a V2 so in theory based around a 959 from a core wiring perspective but the dash and switchgear is all Hypermotard. 950
  7. Just need a workshop manual for a 959 now...
  8. The indicators flashing, I assume you mean both sides, is an indication the CanBus has a problem. Usually this is a failure of an ecu or a wiring problem.
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  9. Are the indicators on a V2 controlled by CAN BUS?
  10. I think they are, I’ve had the bike apart today and can’t hear any relay clicking on indication so would assume there aren’t physical relays any more
  11. Yep. Front indicators are fed from dash. The rears are powered from BBS.
    Seriously, unless you have some CanBus knowledge and some equipment to check/test the wiring, be careful what or where you test with.
    Only wiring diagrams I’m aware of are the dealer diagnostic ones.
  12. that’s even more confusing as the issue is that after a wash (or during) the indicators all come on together and stay on, even without the ignition. It’s getting a drench tomorrow to see whether it’s the dash getting wet that’s doing it or somewhere on the bike
  13. Looking at the 1299 and 899 wiring diagrams the indicators aren't on the CAN-BUS, so I think we can rule that out. Assuming the V2 is the same, the connection from the switchgear goes to the indicators via the dash.
    When I say the indicators aren't on the CAN-BUS I mean the actual indicator units do not have a CAN address and the wiring to them isn't CAN High and Low but rather just a switched circuit that is controlled by the dash. I'd be interested in sniffing the CAN data though to see if it's possible to spoof a CAN signal and trick the indicator into coming on. My inner geek coming out there a bit I think :D.

    So now I think there could be a fault in the wiring to the dash or a fault with the dash unit, providing all the simple things like faulty batteries and dodgy earth have been ruled out.
  14. Yes, you’re on the right track. The indicators aren’t directly fed from the CANBUS, nothing is. It’s a control network between control units, but the control and feed is. That’s to say that the request from switchgear goes to the dash (which is an ecu) and the feed to light the indicators is from the dash. The rears are powered from the BBS (another ecu) on signal from the CANBUS.
    The indicators flashing is an indicator that there’s a CANBUS issue, usually “CanBus off” or an ecu has “dropped off” the network.
    I don’t think for one minute there’s a problem with the indicators as such, but far more likely a wiring issue causing an ecu to drop from network or an actual ecu issue.
  15. Yes, the dashboard is on the CAN-BUS for sure. What I was trying to suggest is that it's the dash unit that controls the indicators, so if there is a problem with the dashboard or the wring to it, then that could account for the indicator problem.

    I am assuming the BBS unit listens for a CAN signal from the dash to tell it to flash the rear indicators? I think we were saying the same thing I was probably being a bit too literal in my understanding of what you said. :( something the wife complains about me all the time.

    So with this setup, the indicators will flash if there is a problem detected on the CAN-BUS like a control unit losing connection? Never come across that before but if it is that type of problem I would imagine it will also throw a fault code if you connect to the diag port and use some ODB2 software?
  16. You’re on the right track.. the indicators flash was introduced a few years ago. Not sure if it’s an industry standard, but certainly for Ducati, across its ranges.
    Might not be the dash that is the problem. Could be one of the several control units on the CanBus. Hooking up to diagnostics, would in the least indicate which unit is off line.
    However, Other than factory diagnostic I’m not aware of any other that will hook up to the V2 yet. It’s the first model to go with the new Euro 5 protocols. Even the connector is unique to euro 5 and is the only model in the range to use it.
  17. That's really interesting, I wasn't aware that the protocols had changed for Euro5.

    I still can't see past the BikeTrac unit, either in the fitting or in operation not introducing the problem.
  18. The euro regs instigate far more changes than just noise and exhaust gases. Euro 4 saw a real ramp up in error coding (aligning to industry standards) for instance and the rules around what information manufacturers had to make available. Euro 5 has carried on the tradition, even standardising the OBD protocols.
    I’d agree it’s a Distinct possibility the tracker could be causing the problem, they are a simple 3 wire install, so I’d disconnect it and see what happens.
    What I’m trying to highlight though, is the problems involved in tracing problems on the new bikes. It’s no longer a case of pinning out indicator wiring back to the relay or switch. They don’t exist anymore in the way many people are used to.
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  19. Thanks, I appreciate the information. Every day is indeed a school day! :upyeah:
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