French Multilover

Discussion in 'Newbies Hangout' started by patex31, Apr 3, 2020.

  1. Hi guys,

    I am french and I ride Multistrada 1200 S 2014 D-AIR
    A lovely bike!

    Ride safe V

    20200321_151858239_iOS - Copie.jpg
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  2. welcome Dave
  3. Nice bike. Welcome!
  4. Welcome French Dude :cool::upyeah:
  5. Welcome french dude, we have some French riders here but also brits now living in France so you should have a good group to chat too as well as the rest of the forum
  6. Welcome along Patex
  7. Welcome to the forum French Dude, I love your country. Which region of France? It's a big place.
  8. In south (Toulouse) !
    Yes there are beautiful roads and lot of great landscapes !
    Many differences between regions
  9. Bien venue.
    Just up the road from you. Fantastic country for le moto.
  10. Just waiting for lockdown to finish...
  11. You forgot your trash/rubbish/recycling bins
    We like them and it’s a newbie rule :)

    Welcome into our mad house
  12. Welcome and enjoy
  13. Welcome to the forum
  14. Hi and welcome to the Ducati forum enjoy your multistrada I love mine can't wait until this virus gets its arse kicked so we can go riding again and isn't it typical last couple of weekends of lockdown weather has been fantastic
  15. Howya buddy !!!
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