Hello UK Mutley Owners, Been stalking the site for a while as I owe a 2010 bog standard Mutley.... Purchased Dec 2012... ridden twice due to work commitments and crap weather when I did have free time! Looking for a bit of advice on the locking mechanism for the rear seat pad..... went to the bike the other day and found that the lock seems to have disconnected from the seat release and the key just turns in the lock without releasiong the seat. I quick check of the online workshop manual only shows stripping the rear after removing the rear seat pad which I obviously can't do. I haven't looked at it in any detail yet but any pointers on how get the tail section apart without removing the pad? Laterz BVT's
There was a post on Ducati ms about getting the seat pad off with a broken lock. With a length of wire it is remarkably easy. I'm not sure that these images will show if you are not registered with the site.
Worked a treat... 2 pairs of hands helps as one can hold the seat edge up (with a toothbrush wrapped in a cloth in this case) and hold the torch whilst the other does the probing. The cable had become detached from the key barrel end some how, now firmly in place and working as it should. Thanks again for de tip.
Glad to hear it was an easy job. In the interests of the security of our bikes I have now deleted the images.