I’ve just watched a remastered video of Pulse, the Floyd Earls Court concert back in 94. It’s on YouTube at the minute and it’s a fundraiser for the current crisis. I was actually at the concert and I’ve always stated it to be the best gig I’ve ever been to even though I was worse for wear...... I was just wondering what is the best concert you’ve ever been to and who would you have liked to have seen? For me no question it would be Zeppelin. I’ve seen Page and Plant many times but to see the original 4 geniuses together would be my dream.
For me my first ever concert, I was still at school and my cousin had a spare ticket to see Thin Lizzy at Newcastle city hall, I was 15 and it blew my mind, especially watching Gary Moore play the guitar WOW. I have the black rose off the LP cover tattooed on my back. I’m with you on LED Zeppelin that would have been amazing, I have their symbols tattooed as well
Favourite band was and remains The Jam. Saw them 5 times and Weller countless times after that. Also The Clash. But best gig was The Police. Swansea Top Rank in September 1979. I think Roxanne had just hit the charts (2nd time of release). I went with three mates from school and my then girlfriend. It was simply brilliant, the joint was buzzing. I still meet up with these mates every few months and am in contact with that gf, but from a safe distance.
Yep Pink Floyd for me too 1981 Earls Court-The Wall. Never seen anything so mind blowing on stage before or since. Only band that came close-I was at the last Linkin Park gig on Birmingham 2 weeks before Chester killed himself. That was an incredible studio quality performance from a unique band. Never saw (& never will now) Bowie, that’d be my regret
Tough question. What is meant by best? Biggest emotional hit: Todd Rundgren 2010, A Wizard, A True Star tour at Hammersmith Apollo. Literally a dream come true. Best musicianship/audience: Van der Graaf Generator ca. 2016 maybe at QE Hall? Pin-sharp playing and sound quality, hear-a-pin-drop audience during the performance. Most fun: Caravan, 2006, a small civic centre in Brighton. Sat on a tiny school chair two feet from the stage. I was buzzing.
Thin Lizzy twice at Sheffield City Hall around 76/77..teenage mosh pit fun! Zappa at Hammersmith Odeon 82 ....the oil we were smoking makes my recollections “hazy” but it was fun...I think. Nick Cave Hammersmith 2015 with the Mrs...both our dads had just died within a week of each other...emotional/tears.
Best, probably Carmen at the Royal Albert Hall (does that count?). Most fun was Slade. Liked to have seen Frank Zappa, and Led Zeppelin.
I must add I saw Robert plant a few years ago and he played going to California, I was welling up, first time I’d heard it live since I was at school
Best atmosphere and also a brilliant gig Status Quo Hammersmith Odeon I think 1979. Top balcony which was bouncing up and down way too much for comfort!! Stevie Ray Vaughan In a small venue London Victoria 1983/4? Unbelievable, sang first couple of songs, then just played non stop for 3 hours, Police 1979 Hammersmith Odeon also amazing. Rory Gallagher every time I saw him especially at The Marquee around 1980 ish biggest fails... Santana. Thin Lizzy. Just too whacked out in whatever. Love them dearly but.
First gig as a schoolboy,Bill Haley and the Comets, Dominion theatre , London, 1957.. MAGIC... Would liked to have seen Led Zep ..
AD/DC Rock or Bust tour, the Olympic Stadium, Barcelona, May, 2015. Absolutely blown away despite it being Brian’s last concert and not in his best voice. Andy
Harry Conick Jnr and his big band at Sydney Opera House or Hugh Laurie and his Copper bottom band at Sydney Theatre
the first is always the best init? queen 81 edinbro Rory Gallagher mid 80s was superb. Michal Jackson (I know I know) amazing show. Jethro tull, interesting REEF, rockin Stranglers. odd, but mad. so so many, all v,good. and often bands you would never buy are excellent live
Stevie Ray Vaughn was everything and more for me! Johnny winter several times was amazing too, was lucky enough to be at the Nelson Mandela concert in 88 and dire straights with Clapton were incredible! But my all time favourite is stevie wonder; seen him several times; the ones that I would truly loved to have seen are Hendrix,Ella Fitzgerald and Ray Charles!
Motörhead bomber tour brum Odeon - deaf for days Rush hemispheres tour Stafford bingley hall 10cc bham Odeon , Slade Van Halen first tour supporting sabbath. Prophets of Rage - dusseldorf Rammstein - Nimes Arena Worst - sabbs last tour - ‚twas shite just money grabbing