Bouncing Baby Boris

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Robarano, Apr 29, 2020.

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  1. Probably not but it’s none of my business.
    • Face Palm Face Palm x 1
  2. I don't think my politics really account for my dislike of Johnson, he's a narcissist and a liar, has a very very poor work ethic and considers his "audience" to be fools and his inferiors.

    Does anyone look at him and really think that he's setting a great example as a leader, or that he did a good job previously as London mayor or in any ministerial capacity? His most successful roles have been as a TV panel show contributor and as a writer of fairly readable editorial. He's charismatic but deplorable.

    He won't definitively be held to even clearly saying how many children he's fathered, and this latest one is going to be another privileged hooray, if they can't help themselves from breeding then so be it but I personally find his unchecked rutting and siring to be just another demonstration of the man's lack of control, finesse and appropriate deportment.

    Left, right or centre is immaterial... I'd rather be governed by someone principled, transparent and competent who understands the gravity of their position and considers their duties to be a service to their country rather than a platform for self promotion. That isn't Boris.

    Compared to the qualities of other Conservative politicians that preceeded Johnson he is weak and shallow, I'm not a Tory supporter but I've more respect for someone like Howe, Heseltine, Clarke, Major or even Hague than I have for any of the current crop. Labour is not a deep field of talent either, so I'm not blind to their failings or challenges.

    The truth is that it is "the media" that run this country now, and after twenty years of reality TV and talent shows we're indoctrinated and treat everything as a popularity contest... it's why the present administration looks like a particularly feeble season of The Apprentice, and why one of the judges from a TV talent show is running the USA. We're doomed.

    But I suppose this new son will replace the one that won't speak to him, after the way Bogus treated his mother... you lot crack on and knit booties.
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  3. Not the only baby born today
    • Agree Agree x 2
  4. We don't definitively know whether it's the only one of his born today...
  5. So is he on paternity leave or not?
    • Funny Funny x 1
  6. We might know in twenty years time
  7. And if we are passing out best wishes then congrats to my friend Gavin Howarth and his wife Jen on the birth of their daughter Grace Evelyn Howarth yesterday :upyeah:
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  8. Have you been banned again from The Guardian comments section again fire?

    The thread was intended as some positive news and highlighted only a few weeks ago, he might not have been alive to see his son's birth.

    I believe he is delaying his paternity leave for now
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  9. Don't think much of BloJob but I don't bear him any ill will.

  10. Unfortunately Leftist hate anything that smells of disagreeing with their mindset, since the Eighties they've got steadily worse IMO.
    • Agree Agree x 3
  11. Come on....... I think you'll find it works both ways.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  12. My spelling is too good for that rabble...

    I just don't see this as good news for everyone that stands to suffer from this clown's mismanagement of his government. His eye will be off the ball again.
    • Face Palm Face Palm x 1
  13. You just have to read any political thread on this forum to see that both sides of the divide are as bad as each other.
  14. Rogues-and-Reprobates-Boris-Johnson-1-www.imjussayin.com_.png

    At least he was the better option - that's all I can say, so why bitch when he has a child :rolleyes:
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  15. Ok.........I'll spell it out right now. Any abuse and/trolling or any forum rules broken will have this thread shut down and the perpetrator will be banned.
  16. What does that even mean?... It's nonsense. Since the 1980's we've had Labour swing from hard left to centre, to right of centre and back to the left. We've also seen a profound change in the way we live, brought about by globalisation and technology changes. We've also seen the centre-right splinter, with the formation of rightwing factions and groups that are as toxic as anything from the left. If you honestly feel that the right is without fault then you need to do your homework, boy.

    There has been a societal development since the 1980's that has not been wholly positive for any of us... the media cultivation of a highly materialistic and selfish consumer society. It's brought problems (and opportunities) of immense complexity, and we're now living with the results and consequences of these, plus a pandemic.

    It's actually got little to do with party politics or outdated ideas of left or right... it's got more to do with right and wrong. If Boris is upholding the kinds of values you feel are noble and right to live by then crack on, I don't think he's a good person or fit to lead the government. That's got very little to do with him being a Conservative and everything to do with him not being able to distinguish between truth and lies.
  17. Oh I don't know. I feel given the nhs saved his life, has allowed his newborn to be born safely, knowing he has a country to run,and given the continual sniping he and the government face, to stick with it and try and get us through is would suggest he hasn't taken his eye off the ball but very much see's it as something he is trying to get done.

    But this thread genuinely was about something that he thought he might not see because he might die and the happyness a new born child gives.
  18. Lack of planning, lack of family planning. Preparing for leadership? Not the ideal time to start a family, especially when the optics are not great after the Jennifer Arcuri episode and the police having to show after Boris and Carrie have a screaming barney... Does that demonstrate a fine strategic acumen and a nose for demonstrable leadership quality? He's an amateur.

    The opposition was in self-destruct mode, and after Clegg volunteered to be Cameron's fall-guy there was no credible third-party either... your point is clearly one the electorate agreed with, but it doesn't make Al' a good leader or a good man. His lack of probity means he's unavailable to do the job he's elected to do far too frequently.

    So that's why I'm angry that his girlfriend giving birth is bring treated as "good news". Good news for who exactly?
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  19. I hope he calls him Winston, congrats to them both
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    • Funny Funny x 1
  20. Hopefully another bullingdon boy. He'll be burning £50 notes in front of the homeless in no time.
    • Funny Funny x 3
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