1200 DVT Fork Pinch Bolts

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by Vtwin4fun, Apr 28, 2020.

  1. Does anyone know the part number for either OEM or stronger alternatives for the 2016 1200s front fork spindle pinch bolts? I'm planning on taking the wheel out but when I've looked at the existing ones they look like they've been butchered at some point. Not totally so I should be able to get them out but whilst they're out I may aswell replace them with fresh ones.
  2. That's great cheers
  3. They’re either stock M6 or M8 screws. Take one out, measure and get a stainless alternative. They’re not tightened to any special torque value so no need to go chasing specific grades either.
    • Useful Useful x 1
  4. Cheers Nelly, I'll take a look at alternatives then.
  5. I got a bag of them from a place in West Yorkshire, don't think they will be open through at the moment, if you message me your address, I will send you four!! They are A2 Stainless

  6. Cheers Bob that's very kind. However I managed to get 4 titanium ones locally so all sorted.
    • Like Like x 1
  7. Nice one!
  8. If there still going ????????

    You anywhere near Leyburn? Four of us ride up for a few days each year to roam around.

  9. I used to live in Constable Burton so know that area very well including the pheasants....
    Once we're let out to play I'll be rising around there again so we should sort something out.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  10. Hi mate, yes if you would like them, drop me a mail, will get them posted for you
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