Hartside And The Police

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by ducv2, May 3, 2020.

  1. Winners make it happen ... losers let it happen!
    • Funny Funny x 1
  2. Michael (oh sorry, wrong thread!)
  3. Andy, what is your view on plod approaching people in parks and cars ect to ask questions and give advice on social distancing rules but breaking those distancing rules themselves whilst doing so? is there a reason why they cant do this from 2mtrs away? if this virus does travel in the way we are being told it does and given the amount of people plod approach every day, surely the are putting many lives at risk.
  4. Dammed if they do ... dammed if they don’t!
    Also there is a world of difference between obvious members of the same family in a park and a group of lads hanging about ..
  5. We are in Lockdown I am sure we all know what that is by now
    What makes a bloke on a bike different to Mr and Mrs Smith and his 2 kids who decide they want a change of scenery so set off in the car to Hartside and then drive home.
    What if on his journey he's passed by a load of bikes but he's the one that gets stopped. How does the cop answer the question what are you doing about the bikes
    Have I missed something you can make unnecessary journeys as long as you ride a motorcycle
    • Agree Agree x 1

  6. 4AB7F375-FA55-4A67-9572-6315DAF4BB67.jpeg
    What’s your view on hospital staff staying less than 2m apart. Taking a short break and being served a well deserved tea by an airline crew
    #46 Oldrat, May 3, 2020
    Last edited: May 3, 2020
    • Funny Funny x 1
  7. It's still impossible to get CV19 on the London Tube, right?
  8. staying less or more than 2mtrs apart? given the are or at least should be wearing the appropriate ppe and are not really in a position to change to much, im sure they will do what is best for all concerned in as much as they are able.
    im not sure at all how this pertains to police not wearing ppe getting up close and personal where it is not really "essential". i have no real beef with plod but i think their actions are irresponsible at times and they may well be spreading this thing.
  9. it appears so. they have spent trillions on tracking but there is nothing to suggest that spending an hour or 2 on a packed tube puts you at any risk.
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  10. Reaction... not action, because if all the stupid public played by the rules they wouldn’t need to be near the numpty biker out for a jolly at hart side ...
  11. thats not entirely true dude. ive seen em approach people in parks walking on their own and people in parked cars at fuel stations ect and at no time were the police wearing face masks but insisted on getting up close. i would be very pissed of if they approached me like this. like everyone, they have a job to do but should adjust their methods to suit the current circumstances the same as the rest of us have to. its not alot to ask at all. in fact some might call it leading by example.
    • Agree Agree x 3
  12. On a seperate matter. When all this ends, if anyone is heading to Hartside, give me a shout for a brew. :) :upyeah:
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  13. shut it
    • Funny Funny x 1
  14. :no_mouth:
    • Funny Funny x 1
    • Love You Love You x 1
  15. Will mebbies be sorted for playing out late July/early August. Hopefully moving house by the end of May so once thats done I will have the time and space to rebuild the 1098R and get it inspected and onto UK plates.
  16. 1 you’ll probably find they have no masks even when they want to wear them
    2 they’ve been instructed to enforce this
    3 I can assure you no one in the right mind wants to be near any stranger but the said stranger is probably ignoring them or challenging them or giving off that I might be wanted sign do the officers are closing them down

    4 the stupid public weren’t there there would be no need for cops to be there

    5 this you seeing them is it a bit like what’s his face saying he saw loads of cops on the m25 doing loads of speeders. ..although when asked we could be specific or actually say if they or any were being done for speeding with just a petit pe of exaggeration...

    just saying
  17. tbh i have witnessed what they are up to in my area first hand on either my push bike rides in my local park, on my walk to the shop or on my drive to work. whilst driving i can only speculate on what is transpiring but on the other occasions i have heard all or at least most of the interactions and given plod has simply walked away after the interaction and citizen has not changed their behaviour at all i think it fair to assume they had done nothing wrong in the first place.
    they may well have been instructed to enforce certain measures but surely they must have also have been instructed to adhere to social distancing themselves where poss.
    can you understand the frustration, agitation and fear, someone like myself would feel if they were going about their business, within the guidelines and were forced to be in close proximity to someone who is clearly not able to adhere to distancing, just to answer a few questions? id have no prob answering the questions at all but it could be done from 2mtrs away.
    im only banging on about this as i see it daily and it does get me very wound up.
    • Agree Agree x 1
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  18. I'm not often out and about these days, but on the odd ocassion, I also see from the house quite a few police doing patrols down the road, the number is at least 100% than before all this kicked off.

    Yet to see the police, who always are in pairs, abiding by social distancing rules with each other let alone "thick public"

    On the other side of the coin at my local Iceland, the security guard stands at one side of the entrance and a staff member at the other, usually gassing big time to each other. Entrance is maybe 10ft wide and if you need anything you have to "run the gauntlet". I could go on, sure we all could about examples we've witnessed.

    I just don't get what people can't understand in the instruction or how little these people value their own and their families safety, this thing could kill ya, why take the cance? Even if yer average joe doesn't give a toss about anybody else.
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  19. Although I no longer believe in the "science" behind the 2m distancing requirement, it is the Law to distance ourselves.

    You should allow others the ability to observe the Law and also to try to keep themselves safe as they see fit.

    Two people standing 2m apart chatting away in a manner which does not allow others to maintain the 2m distance really, really boils my piss.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  20. Couples going shopping too. You don't need to hold each other's hand to buy milk, just one of you go.:mad: Every queue I stand in to get in a shop, 75% of the people in it are couples.
    • Agree Agree x 2
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