Hartside And The Police

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by ducv2, May 3, 2020.

  1. I get you @Loz I agree, my own rule is to move as far away as I can from everybody, 2m means nothing just stay as far apart from stangers as you can

    Don't get me started on the inconsideration thing, I'm coming from the point that average Joe doesn't care about anybody else except those in his circle. Even using that bitter premise, MOST still quite happily stroll by really close when waiting for a few seconds would allow distance to be maintained,

    I feel really really out of touch these days with the general public and what goes on in their head.

    Remember I'm posting from Hot Spot No1 in Jockland and No5 in UK, doesn't make a blind bit of difference.

    That said I've always thought where I live has well more than its fair share of bloody half wits
    • Agree Agree x 1
  2. My local Tesco has a sign at the entrance saying "Only one person per household". I only shop at around 9pm now but as far as I've seen, that rule is observed. For the most part.
  3. You should see my local B&M. I'm sure the "Thick Public" think it means "Bird & Man", so have to go together. :bucktooth:
    • Like Like x 1
  4. how do you know.....;) i mean me and her indoors go and act separately separate baskets!
  5. Sneaky and cunning.

    You aren't thick, are you!
    • Agree Agree x 1
  6. Generally because the thick public turn up in the same car stand in the queue together chatting only to separate once close to the door. Course you being such a smart ex cop you game the rules as it doesn't suit you and most won't speak up if they see you do it.

    You see how being polite doesn't get you anywhere.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  7. you do spout some shit....lighten up!
    • Funny Funny x 1
  8. "Being polite doesn't get you anywhere"

    About time you learned that lesson, Andy!
    • Funny Funny x 1
  9. Just following your example :)
    • Funny Funny x 1
  10. He probs knows this from his Polizei training bud
  11. They love it, don't they? :rolleyes:


    Screenshot 2020-05-04 at 20.26.34.png
    • Funny Funny x 2
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