Saw this for the 1st time in a few years, today. "DO YOU WANT TO BARE KNUCKLE?" It never gets old. He's even got his own blue plaque.
Who’s afraid of The Taxman? Who would win between the two? With Mike Tyson announcing a planned return to the ring, who would your money be on?
I think Ronnie pickering was a forum member a week or so ago, think he went by the name Sooty,wanted to fight everyone who disagreed with him
Ah, Wonnie Pickering from the City of Culture I used to frequent Hull a lot with work up to 3 years or so back. There are many, many like him over there lol. Its more a City of Special Needs than Culture, or maybe a City of stolen motorcycles It is pretty unique amongst places you never wanna go to and I did frequent some shitholes in my time......Salford, Manchester, Bolton, Leeds even Bradford - but there aint nowhere like 'ull If you ARE from Hull BTW, I am sure it's OK where you live - probably out towards Beverly yeah ?
Depends where you go even little affluent towns have bad parts ie Harrogate a lovely spa town but plenty of bad bits, I live inner city Leeds it’s brilliant, york has bad parts look up tang hall, bradford has very posh parts, Hull I do tend to not hang around in unless I’m waiting for a boat to get the hell out of it.
Tang Hall is studentville, not a bad council estate really, most are private or investment properties rented to York Uni Students. Only ever been 1 really bad place in York and that is Chapelfields it's like the posh parts of Leeds
It might be better than it was now but it definitely had a reputation, everywhere has bad but what riles me is usually people who don’t live there (like me with tang hall) spread the news how bad it is. Yes you wouldn’t leave your door unlocked round here or you could but then some twat opened it and knicked my jacket off the bannister (someone else left the door unlocked) funny though I have had Ducati’s, fireblades, sp1, sp2’s, Rvf s, all outside never had a problem although bikes live in the house now and when I can this wall out hopefully two bikes
He looked solid that fella never showed one bit of emotion...dangerous bloke lucky for the scrote he was so in control of himself
I lodged in Hull years ago when I was working on the Humber Bridge being built. It was like the wild west on a night out in the city centre!