Seraphina :- "fiery One" (hebrew) A 1991 900ss Restoration

Discussion in 'Builds & Projects' started by Paul Dobson, Apr 27, 2020.

  1. Packed the cylinder heads up and sent them off to John Cellier today for him to cast an expert eye over, shims, valve guides etc. Set about removing the cush bushes from the rear wheel ready for powder coating IMG_3389 2.jpg IMG_3401.jpg ....... I knew this was going to be a B*****d of a job I had been warned. I have failed for now and retired to consider my options. Tried to remove with lots of heat and M10 rawlbolts, wind them out through a 34mm socket. sounded pretty straight forward no. First one tore the rubber out and the next two stripped the rawlbolts :( Plan B is to buy a flat ended rotary file and cut them out. I'm going for a mug of lockdown tea.
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  2. You need some threaded bar, nuts washers and tubing, then you can pull them out relatively easily, hang on I’ll draw what I did.
  3. Better than my drawing here’s a video

    • Useful Useful x 2
  4. Thanks!! hope it's that easy . Thats kinda what I tried in principle with the rawlbolt. I'll let you know.
  5. yes, if I understand your rawlbolt method correctly you’re pulling up on the centre ferrule of the Cush, using the correct dia washer on the inside face of the Cush pulls up on the outer case of the Cush, anyway if you’ve got the necessary dia bits n bobs around you give it a try.
  6. I will thanks for your help:upyeah:
  7. Wow this is moving quickly, better get a move in with mine your putting me to shame!!
  8. Fresh enthusiasm..... it won't last :joy::joy:
  9. You have a nice project coming on
  10. Well that didn't go according to plan:confused: I managed to get one of the 6 out using a threaded bar and an oversized socket as in the youtube video. As for the other 5 not a chance I snapped 2 threaded aluminium bars trying to shift them before i gave up. In the end I drilled the rubber out and then used a tungsten rotary file to carefully cut a slot in the outer shell . In other news, brought my 899 out in the sunshine and turned the garage into a spray booth. The engine has been give a good wire brush and several coats of PJ1 satin black . IMG_3406.JPG IMG_3407.jpg
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  11. Cylinders look different?, is it a boxer engine?
    • Funny Funny x 1
  12. So today I had a conversation with John Cellier from Cellier BVT Workshops about my cylinder heads. Turns out the horizontal camshaft has seen better days. I hope I might be able to find a replacement. Any suggestions ? I know some folk have replaced the original cams with ST2 cams so maybe some one will have one they don't need and would part with. Does anyone know someone breaking a 900 engine ?
  13. Edge,
    Yes he does quote 906 further down his listing for the engine number. I just saw the Black engine (which paul has) and it said 900ss in listing.
    904 is the 900ss code (if I am correct - well it says it on mine.)
    Cheers Gaz
  14. Hi Paul
    Just been looking at your build, any updates/progress.
  15. It's been a while since I updated this thread, so time to catch up. I sourced a couple of cams online and had John collier look them over. They got the thumbs up so the heads were rebuilt and returned. Time to rebuild the engine. I had left the pistons in the bores when i dismantled the top end and decided to not to disturb them and rebuild, this was a mistake , more of that later. The top end went back together with no trouble. I had repaired various parts of the wiring and cleaned and polished every thing while the heads were away, so a couple of days saw the bike back together , looking beautiful.
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  16. IMG_3583.jpg IMG_3580.jpg IMG_3577.jpg
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