Riding A Motorbike In Shorts

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by PerryL, May 9, 2020.

  1. Haha, I think the consensus is agreed it's crazy to do so. However short of a minimum legal threshold how do stop folk from doing so. Then how do you enforce those laws?
  2. Yeah, I never wanted laws.... just insight!
  3. On a hot day in Malibu on the PCH yesterday, bare feet, flip flops and thong bikinis 2up all over the place, makes for great scenery but makes my stomach turn a bit thinking of the aftermath of a lane splitting accident :dizzy:. Then I saw this advert...welcome to merca...

  4. At least she’s wearing 18 hole All Stars!
    • Funny Funny x 3
  5. I wish I knew what the fook it has to do with anyone ! I decide what I wear on my bike! I couldn’t give a toss what anyone else thinks! I would enjoy somebody approaching me and calling me a dickhead for my chosen attire! Maybe I think people who wear full leathers etc on the road are dickheads! I may think it but it would remain a thought! Worry about yourselves not other people!
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  6. I agree except the DH part. I would not judge a person to be a dickhead or not because of their choice of attire, only their attitude while riding. If I saw you out riding bare foot and wearing a thong, I would probably just giggle at the thought of your exposed butt's new sunburn while in an office meeting the following day:astonished:.
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  7. OMG. You are sooo wrong.

    Nobody goes to

    The office

    • Funny Funny x 2
  8. Move to Turkey? :p
  9. Unless you are going to be physically affected by someone else's choice your best not to let anyone else stress or annoy you ,it absolutely serves no purpose ! Out in my van this week a bloke on a Harley overtook me shorts and T-shirt first reaction is are you fuckin nuts but he had a big smile on his face and was living the dream and this is Ireland so it probably only gets hot enough twice a decade so live and let live !
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  10. Drs & nurses also treat patients who have arrived in A&E/Resus after undertaking illegal activities - legality doesn't feature in treatment as far as I understand?
    #110 RoadRunner, May 10, 2020
    Last edited: May 10, 2020
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  11. All comes down to risk analysis. When rock climbing the amount of protection one places is discretionary (calculated risk based on experience) and there's minimal risk from others (depending where you climb). Who'd opt to free climb El Capitan in Yosemite (no rope!)??
    If riding in hot weather, at sensible speeds, and no one else on the road I'd probably wear shorts and a t-shirt. But with so many others jockeying for road space (in the UK) I choose not to - although some would and do. Risk and perception of danger - where you draw that line is your choice. :thinkingface:
    • Agree Agree x 3
  12. My Belgium friend shouted at me for not wearing gloves riding 400 mars to get fuel in 30 c heat .

    We were leaving his and heading to Germany so I would have wron them after .

    He told me to was a legal requirement , that's great but you don't need to MOT your bikes there !

    Strange rules
    • Useful Useful x 2
    • Funny Funny x 1
  13. The point I was making was just to emphasise that certainly while an activity is legal, there can be no question about the right to treatment & for sure no right to tell them to F off as an earlier poster suggested, but yes personally I’d agree that would be extended to anyone needing it at the time. We are for the most part a civilised & caring society
  14. He only shouted at me for the gloves as I had the rest on . I'd still rather they MOT the bikes first .
    • Agree Agree x 1
  15. i only have one thing to say here... you ride a bike not drive it.... if they cant get that right, what else have they fucked up?
  16. They probably have a law about sticking your tongue in a light bulb socket...
    • Funny Funny x 1
  17. i have one of those... well, its more a rule but its a good rule.....
    • Funny Funny x 1
  18. Have they made it compulsory there now? Good idea, I remember seeing a documentary about Bruges and the narrator thought it was a Shithole. Full of midgets too, or was it dwarves?
    • Funny Funny x 2
  19. Better still is the film called In Bruges, it's hilarious ( if you enjoy dark humour).
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  20. Top 5, best films. Fricking hilarious.....
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