One of my favourite films, we watched in Bruges while staying there in an old canal side townhouse a few years ago. Lovely city and not a midget/dwarf to be seen.
I ride in shorts at times. No one has the authority to stop me doing it. I have made it to 61 so far.
Short sleeve leather jackets - they are real and they are the future.... They also do fingerless leather gloves.
Currently other than a helmet there is no legal requirement for PPE in the UK. However injury insurance payouts can be reduced if it's considered your decision not to take resonable precautions contributed to the seriousness of the injuries. At the end of the day it's currently up to you what you wear. However friend of mine, some years ago ended up with a bad lifelong limp and over six months in hospital after being hit by a car that pulled out into the side of his bike. Had he been wearing proper kit and not jeans his injuries would have been considerably less.
Me and Mrs Biscuit in Corfu 1989. Rode (no..still Corfu..not Rhodes) all over the island like that. NO WAY would I do that now. Halfway round I remember sitting by the side of the road, with my hands locked up with cramp from the bloody vibration through the bars
Sure - I think in part, I was saying medics treat anyone needing treatment regardless. But for me, I'd be hard pushed to remain calm and quiet especially when you've a good idea what the scrout has done (allegedly)! Thank God for the NHS!
I dont think so. If you spent all the time and effort to get to be a professional in the emergency room you would just treat the wounds not the peoples beliefs. UNTIL It's truly war like and you are just doing triage... (and NO we are not even close to that right now, no matter what those articles told you Ask someone in a MASH unit) Then maybe, maybe you would consider whether they were being an ass as much as whether they could be saved... If you did, they would later write stories about you the asshole in the ER that put their politics and views ahead of medicine. That cant be you right? you are smart enough to ride a Ducati... Rex
You got me there ; I'm not a medic so will never know, but I do get to see a different view on such events and the outcomes. And "smart enough to ride a Ducati.."? No idea - never considered myself as smart - far from it.
My son setting bad fashion statement. (truth is he was moving bike off the road while his pants were drying around the fire pit).
Ummm....just a reminder, life's full of choices. I'll still be wearing leathers though. A link to BikerDownDerbyshire on FB. I bet that smarts....just a little?