1198 Sprag Torque Numbers

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by SF Kiwi, May 14, 2020.

  1. Hey there team, anyone in the know, know?

    I've got the cover off, replacing the Stator....I have a one-way Sprag bearing to fit...but don't know the torque setting number I'll need to pop it back on again...

    Any Ideas?

    Cheers team

    Disclaimer - I did search before posting
  2. Is this for the flywheel?

    350nm is the recommended i think but i went nowhere near that for mine (Hypermotard 1100) 280 from recollection - that was a couple of month or so back....all still a ok...
    #2 comfysofa, May 14, 2020
    Last edited: May 14, 2020
  3. Oh thanks for that....Yea it's for the flywheel, the bit I'm replacing is the bit that locks it on the other side of it.....

    Right then, where to find a Wrench that goes up to that big asse number
  4. My 1200 Enduro flywheel torque spec is 330Nm Min. 313 Nm – Max. 346 Nm
  5. Thanks for that Rick, I'm getting the feeling it's going to be in the region of 310 ish
    Just need something to do that......Getting it off, no problem..
    Amazon/eBay here I come
  6. You’ll benefit from a flywheel holding tool.
  7. Ah yes, been looking at that....Thanks tho.

    I'll add that to the bill of a simple job...reckon it's another £50 ish for one time use....
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  8. Denzil, for the engine parts (like this sprag), would the 1098 and the 1098r settings be different? I'm just wondering as the 1198 is essentially the 1098r engine or there about right?
  9. Oh that would be amazing, I would be more than happy to cover postage for sure.
    If you send me your PayPal details, or bank transfer...I'll get that sorted for you asap...

    Thank you so much...that is so so kind

    What a blessing
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