So, the nursing unions ask for a 5%(say) pay increase next year. Boris says, "No, no, no, there is no money left - my mates in the city, who nobody had the decency to clap, have got all the money and now there is nothing left. But, remember, I did clap at the sky for you and so you're sorted. Goodbye. I'm busy now as I need to close another hospital". I'm cynical and wrong. The World will never go back. After all, we've experienced a Tory government out-bankrupting the country over a Labour one... Strange times......
No one really talks about dodos either, peanut. Conservativism in government is a thing of the past. All we have now is progressivism- either disguised or rampant. Our NWO is gonna be great, we are already seeing the benefits.
Even if I knew who was in charge, do you seriously expect me to name them? Waitaminute. peanut? Where is your tinfoil hat? Why aren't you wearing it?
("Over one million employees on Agenda for Change contracts - including the lowest paid NHS workers - will get pay rises that see starting salary increased from £15,404 to £18,005 in 2020/2021. "The starting salary of a nurse will rise to £26,970 which will have a significant impact on retention and recruitment issues.) This has just been copied, the article says the NHS workers are due a 6.5% increase this year.
Nurses pay rises are complicated by many getting an annual increment as well as a percentage increase: