749 Fairing Fixtures

Discussion in '749 / 999' started by xander296, Jun 5, 2020.

  1. Disaster just had the right hand mid fairing painted, took it off today and found this!@! is there anyway to repair it? Please say there is


  2. I’d try an ABS plastic weld glue. Try a search on eBay
  3. Q bond
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  4. Araldite.
  5. And when you get it sorted smear it with grease/vasaline, makes it so much easier to get on and off. (top tip stolen from @Old rider)
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  6. Bought it from Amazon, arrived yesterday very easy to use and seems to have done the job nice one for the advice
    #7 xander296, Jun 8, 2020
    Last edited: Jun 8, 2020
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  7. Yep smear of grease worked well
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