Need some advice. Which order to go with this? Should the neck on the nutt be towards the tank or the crane? Do i mount the nut on the tank and the the crane too the nut or the opposite? Didnt succed too upload pictures after i deleted the first ones, try in a new window.
It should be like this, your translator picked the wrong word, it’s “cock” not “crane”, for Christ’s sake if you’re ever on a British building site don’t tell anyone you like their cock
Thank’s Mark9 , i’l try too remember that! The plastic thing on the top i presume is a filter, i had too remove mine since the hole in the tank is too small. Question number 2: Should i fit the nut on the fuel tank or the ”cock” first?
Never fitted one but I guess it’s best to fit the nut onto the cock first then turn the whole assembly onto the tank ensuring you’ve got plenty of threads in the nut from the cock and the fitting on the tank, ideally use some PTFE tape on the threads as well rather than just relying on the washers to obtain a seal.
I would put the nut on the tank, half way along its thread. Hold it with a spanner so it doesn't move, then put the tap/cock on, adjusting as necessary, to get the fuel spigot where you want it. PTFE, a good idea Good luck
Very thin tape that you wrap around the threads before assembly