For Sale Multistrada 1260s High Navigator Mount Set £45 + Postage

Discussion in 'Parts, Accessories & Clothing For Sale' started by Pat Mills, Mar 2, 2020.

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  1. I have a Multistrada 1260s High navigator mount set - Ducati PART NO. 96680581A.

    The set is brand new still in the box and unused with all parts.

    In addition I have the adapter plate (purchased from Snell Ducati) that allows TomTom Sat Nav to be mounted as well as the standard Garmin models.

    Looking for £45 + £5 postage if in the UK.
    #1 Pat Mills, Mar 2, 2020
    Last edited: Mar 9, 2020
  2. Hi, do you still have this for sale?
    Didn’t know you could get a Tom Tom adapter for these. Was looking at the iconic till saw your ad
  3. Yes still got this.

    Can un box and send pictures tomorrow so you can see mount and adapter if that helps?

    Just a small plate adapter so tomtom can be attached.

    Let me know.

    Cheers. Pat
  4. If you wouldn’t mind that would be appreciated.
    Apologies if being cheeky may I ask why you went with a different make in the end?
  5. l knew I was going to buy a multistrada so I bought the part ahead of the bike as I already had a tomtom on my Tiger Sport. In the end the multistrada I bought had an eco tech sat nav mount already on and it is good enough, wobbles a bit at high speed; thus looking to sell the Ducati one.

    will send pics later on, just having breakfast
  6. Thank you appreciated
  7. Pics attached.

    The small square brackets attaches to main mount and has the 4 holes needed for tomtom mount.

    Give me a shout if you need other pics.

    Cheers. Pat.





  8. WillnSam, are you the guy on Facebook that was looking for one of these ? :). If so, you have dropped on quicker than expected lol ;)
  9. Lol I certainly am. Looks like I found what I need and a bargain. Thanks for the help
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  10. Sorry Pat forgot to say I would gladly take it off your hands. Let me know how you’d like payment etc
  11. DM'ed you mate
  12. everything it came with still in the box un-used
  13. @Ducbird Now sold this so thread can be closed - thanks
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  14. Done :)
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