Ducati Plus Life Charger - Any Good?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Carbon749, Jun 25, 2020.

  1. Hi,

    Normally use an Optimate 4 can bus etc, but, have the Ducati Plus Life Charger in the packaging.

    Before I open it, are the Ducati charges any good?
  2. I’ve had them on my bikes in the past but now use NOCO Genius chargers as I have a mix of batteries across 5 bikes that are on maintainers and the NOCO does everything. I believe no longer available from Ducati but they sold them for a good few years. What’s wrong with your Optimate ? Andy
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  3. Nothing wrong with it, I have 2 bikes and keep flicking the Optimate between the 2. Only a short term issue, as I will be mothballing one come winter and taking the battery off it. This may just be a piece of artwork in the dining room after that.

    If Ducati have stopped them, now I know why they gave me one with my new bike :joy:
  4. Nothing wrong with them, a neat, small unit which came with the lead to use the DDA as a charging point. Hey, if it was free, don’t knock it :upyeah: Andy
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  5. Not too reliable... can fry your battery. Optimate all the way... or CTEK
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  6. I had one of the Ducati chargers, it packed up. I’m with @Android853sp The NOCO chargers are spot on, charges lithium too :upyeah:
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