Hi Chaps I'm on the lookout for a 749/999 starter relay/soleniod. if you have one or know of one for sale, please let me know. Thanks
Russell, one up for £20 or offer here https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Ducati-S...086660?hash=item1a9a8d1404:g:riwAAOSwbwZe6OkS they only cost around £35 new from the usual dealers
I have my original 748 solenoid still kicking about, but noticed the part numbers are different to the 749/999. Also the 749/999 solenoid has a 2 pin electrical connector/plug, which the 748 one hasn't got.
Have a look at bikesportdevelopments they do a Gucci flat one that electricery doesn’t take all the charge from the coils...
Cool. I just bought new starter cable kit from Exige, one of these starter relays would go perfectly. Thanks Andy