Newbie 749er Sebastiaan

Discussion in 'Newbies Hangout' started by SEBASTIAAN, Jun 26, 2020.

  1. Im Sebastiaan. 39 yrs and live near Amsterdam in the netherlands.
    Ive been motorcycling since 21 yrs now.
    Always Japanese bikes...since 3 years now a ducati. An 900ss of 1992 and sold it. Since then an 749 off 2006. An biposto and converted to an monoposto. Lookin for an 999s model my 5/6. Seen a few...but not mint. Almost had nice nero. But the owner wanted to keep it after all...:confused:
    (Meantime i also left another nero in the uk and an nice red s in germany so im a bit :triumph:.
    But hey...things happen....
    Try to feed my brain here with New info and have some fun.:)

    Thanks Bas.
    • Like Like x 2
  2. Hi and welcome
  3. Hi and welcome
  4. Welcome to the forum Bas
  5. Hello :upyeah:.
  6. Welcome to the forum.
  7. Welcom Seb, we have a few cloggers here so some might chime in
  8. Welcome Bas, I work for a Dutch owned company based in Almelo. Enjoy the forum
  9. Welcome Seb :):upyeah:
  10. Hi and welcome enjoy our forum but we do like a picture
  11. Here you go 20200526_172534.jpg
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  12. full 54 termi,dp filters and ecu 20200526_172328.jpg
    • Like Like x 3
  13. Greetings!
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