Where to find earth locations on an ST4S?

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by DaveyP90, May 21, 2013.

  1. Hi Guys, can anyone help me by telling me the locations of the earth positions on an ST4S? Its in relation to an issue I posted about earlier, I have an LCD Display that wont power down even when the ignition is off and key removed (does oif i remove either displays dedicated fuse or main fuse) and its giving crazy readings, clocks running like a stop watch. I rang an auto electrician (doesnt work on bikes) and he says its almost definitely an earth problem.

    Where are the earth points on an ST4S??
  2. At the bottom of each wheel.......................assuming it isn't on a stand.

    Sorry, couldn't resist.

  3. Bollox you beat me to it :biggrin:
  4. Funny....about as helpful as a chocolate ashtray on a Honda 50 but funny...
  5. Problem solved thanks to the input of someone who knows more than me about the problem!! (Thanks Paul)
  6. Thread closed
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