Farage: Are the Scots Rascist?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by funkyrimpler, May 18, 2013.

  1. Not my problem.

    i do sympathise, leaving you to the Tories, but hey, from your earlier posts we are crock of shit, and since in your eyes we are too wee, too poor, too stupid, best not ask us for the answer to your problem.

    All we have to do is put a tick in the box and we are gone.
  2. if Shetland wants to go it can. What's the problem?
  3. the sooner the fuggin better too lol
    maybe then you will find something else to piss and moan about.

    whats the best thing to come out of scotland.....
    hmmm let me think

    the A1 or english oil
    #123 Phill, May 22, 2013
    Last edited: May 22, 2013
  4. I lived in Scotland for 5 years and experienced some anti-English sentiment because of my accent. I also lived in Yorkshire for 2 years and a few people took a dislike to my Southern accent. Neither of which can be described as racist. You always get a few small-minded idiots in any community.

    As to whether Scotland gets independance, it's up to them. But they'd better get a move on because I fear the UK will leave the EU sooner, they way things are going. A move I personally disagree with, but if the UK leaves, then Scotland gains independance I can't see them getting a smooth ride back into the EU, which will require joining the eurozone.
    #124 M1key, May 22, 2013
    Last edited: May 22, 2013
  5. Would go about £500. Nice tirade, just watch braveheart by any chance?
  6. visit scotland

    Edinburgh woolen mill....distillery. ..Edinburgh woolen mill.....distillery...Edinburgh woolen mill. ..distillery. ..Edinburgh woolen mill. ..distillery. ..Edinburgh woolen mill. ..distillery lol
    • Like Like x 1
  7. Someone asked what would improve.,its no tirade. It's a list.

    Nope, I looked at the facts and made a logical decision.

    Were you pro poll tax?
    ok about selling off Scottish Water?
    when Denis Healy admitted last Sunday that his government lied about the future value of oil resources, and had the information classified as secret, you are not bothered about that?

    if so, then I understand why you are pro union. If not then I am confused. A yes vote is not a vote for Salmond. It means in 2016 there will be a Scottish general election and we might get Charles Kennedy as PM, of Alistair Darling. Whoever.

    We may even get a left of centre labour party.......as the late, great Jimmy Reid said. I didn't leave the Labour Party, the Labour Party left me.
    #127 749er, May 22, 2013
    Last edited: May 22, 2013
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  8. no I was against the poll tax, dont have a problem selling scottish water. And just to be sure, what in your definition is a illegal war.
    As its pretty obvious your point of view on this whole freedom thingy its no surprise your confused by the majority not agreeing with you, to me the uk is stronger as a whole than getting split up.
    My fear with the snp is they will continue to ask the same question over and over till they get the answer they want then NEVER ask again
  9. Try the borders, west coast, highlands you might just find some of the best roads/scenery/ nightlife there is
  10. im pulling his leg
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  11. Mel Gibson mentioned freedom, not me.

    We had a referendum on selling water....97% against. Not into democracy? The Tories will try again, and they can repeal the legislation for the Scottish parliament. Alistair Darling admitted this today.

    illegal war.... As defined by the UN based on Tony Blairs made up dossier.


    which majority....the vote hasn't happened yet. Or do you mean the SNP majority?

    why are we stronger together? What's in it for Scotland? Don't say defence. I've demonstrated that its Pish. Besides history tells us we got invaded most by England (joke)

    according to the Daily Mail HMS YORK was scrambled....24 hours later...it got there
    #131 749er, May 22, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 16, 2014
  12. Suppose we will see what your view on democracy is when the vote is no wont we?
    is declaring war on a country that has no intention of declaring war on you illegal? Even if you think it could be detrimental to your own contry in the long run not to?
    We will agree to disagree on this one, I feel strongly enough over this that if its a yes vote I would be looking into moving elsewhere, if you lose whats your choices.
    The west coast seems pretty much against it so we could just do a nortern Ireland thing
  13. Ha ha, very funny.

    If it hadn't been for the Scottish Labour MPs we would have had an almost perpetual Conservative government.

    And remember, the Conservatives are the Conservative and Unionist Party.
  14. And that would have been a disaster! I'm not a Labour party member or supporter, but I can't really see any of the Tory administrations in my lifetime bringing in the progressive measures - particularly the minimum wage - that Labour did.
  15. I despise 'progressive' politics.
  16. Agreed.
    Politicians have no business or right to attempt to reform society in any way. It's up to individuals to look after themselves and their immediate family, local community, etc. The NHS is an abomination, standardised schooling and national curricula a blot on society and don't get me started on things like welfare.

    And what was so bad about feudalism? Hmm?
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  17. John, I understand how it might look like that,'but its actually true that Scotland never decides who wins. And to be fair why should it. Tail, wagging and dog come to mind.

    Tony Blairs wins were huge first two times anyway.

    I do agree with the points raised on Scots MPs voting on English matters. It's not right.
  18. Does this thread serve to show differences in social attitudes between the two countries.

    I would not suggest one is better than the other, just different.

    Another difference I found is that English peoe have more confidence in themselves, their ability and having the guts to make a go of something. There are times I wish certain elements of my own country would grow a backbone and stand up.
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  19. I first realised that the "Scottish" were nationalistic and racist as a young guy (21/22) making my first business trip to Scotland and meeting with the local area sales rep. When we had to sign into the hotel and had to declare nationality I simply wrote UK. The rep wrote "Scottish and proud".

    Another example of them being racist (if that is the correct term in this context) was when the company I worked for, which at the time was part of the Bowater group, bought a "Scottish" company in Kilmarnock. Part of the integration was to change the letterhead to the Bowater corporate colour of blue. You cannot believe the number of calls we received from customers calling us names because we were "favouring" Protestants because of the colour of the letterhead. We had to change the Scottish office letterheads to brown after that.

  20. You're right, that sounds a really nasty act of racism right there!
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