Boxhill to Brighton Bank Holiday Monday!!

Discussion in 'Rideouts & Events' started by PhilB, May 22, 2013.

  1. Well Guy's how about a meet at Boxhill in the morning and then have a run down to Brighton on Bank Holiday Monday?
    obviously depending on the weather!
    We could take a nice scenic route and park up down Mederia Drive! Fish n Chip lunch! and good company?
    Who's interested?
    Maybe the South East group could meet up with you Sussex Lot eh!
  2. Monday 27th hm sounds like a good plan.
  3. yes it does - who is booking the weather this time?
  4. Glad you like the idea Luca! we just need people to jump on board now! Would'nt it be nice to have a line of Ducati's down on the seafront say 30 or so!
    Now that would turn a few heads eh! :upyeah:
  5. Seriously Jealous !!!!!
  6. Will keep an eye on this one, as although it sounds good I'm planning on going to Donington on Sunday and may need to spend some time with Mrs K.
  7. Good you said may as it sounds like not definite think :)
  8. might bimble down to Brighton with Wantz1 seeing as we cant make it over to the bread festival
  9. I'm up for this but not if it is pissing down. Just had a weekend in Wales like that and my kit still hasn't dried out!!
  10. Well as it is see side visit I am with you on that.
  11. PhilB can you define morning please? :) At what time you think we should meet? To be there for lunch by 13:00 we would need to leave about 11:00 earliest right?

    Just want to squeeze in a quickie in the morning before setting off ;) (No not what you are thinking).
  12. how can this posted sentence possibly pass without further interrogation L :)
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  13. Oh Chris you naughty boy better pray for good weather as we could visit the beach we went to last summer ;) On above had to post explanation that draws attention.
  14. where we going to meet? can do 12 or 1

    (Lucas is going to be a minute late though) :tongue:
  15. Think Luca wants a quick go on here

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  16. I heard he might come early
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  17. Really Luca!
    Forum rules and all that eh!
    Ok This is what I was hoping we could do:- Boxhill meet 10:00-10:30hrs with a view to set off at the latter (10:30) then a ride through the jolly old Sussex countryside and park up at Mederia Drive for a spot of lunch!
    I'm thinking it might take 45mins to 1 hour to get there! so say Midday at Brighton for a chat/idle gossip, then a bit of a slurrp of some fine Sussex Tea followed by freshly caught Fisn n chips!

    That still could give Old Luca a chance for a little QUICKIE!
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  18. Been there March, done that. Not again. It rotates to fast the moment we got comfy you back down again ;)
    What forum rules? Erm I am doing math and if I kick her out at 09:00 I will still be late so back to 11:00 departure? ;)
    No for real to be there for 10:00 I need to get up at 08:00 and leave at 09:00 to fight London traffic (yes even on bank holidays for some reason FFS) but 11:00 means get up still early as 09:00 but can leave at 10:00 so after worst traffic.
    Unless most of you have to be back before dark (or for supper) making it 11:00 departure should not be a problem?
  19. Oh ok Luca will give you the extra Half an hour! I suppose you are getting on a bit now and your Quicki is probably not so quicky now! ;-)
    Right then folks depart Boxhill at 11:00hrs this will get us to Brighton by hopfull 12:15-12:30
    I do hope this is ok for all!
    Cheers Phil

    Our Sussex neighbours are very quiet! Maybe we are gonna need Passports to get over the Border! Perhaps they are patrolling it! He he he :wink:
    #19 PhilB, May 23, 2013
    Last edited: May 23, 2013
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  20. See you at Brighton at 12, anyone want to meet me and Char on route let us know, could meet at ower at 10.15 or Chichester McDonald's at 11?
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