so when cranking the bike I'm getting low bat on the dash , battery is registering charged on 2 different chargers its reading 13.4v when resting , less than 3 months old but it only gets charged every 6 weeks or so , is it toast or as mentioned maybe reg/rec ? Not into electrics and don't really know my way around my multimeter
Gary, when you measure the battery voltage you need to do it at the battery terminals (not the dash) and a couple of hours after charging it otherwise the reading will be wrong and will not give much indication of the health of the battery. This time of year on a 3 month old battery I would expect to see around 13v a couple of hours after disconnecting the charger. Once you have charged it and are happy with the voltage then start the bike and again measure the voltage at the battery terminals. If the reg rec is fried the voltage will be <13v and will not vary much when the engine is revved. Normally you will get 13-5 to 14.5v as you gently rev the engine, if so your reg rec is working
Battery (off the bike) reads 13v after being left overnight so doubt its the battery or the reg/rec , starting to think its a bad earth , so ..... wheres the best place to start ???
The main earth cable would be a good start . Clean the all the surfaces and try again. If it runs, check voltage on the battery is above 13.4, then it's charging.
Garry, the best place to start is one of these kits The multiple earth wires on the 749/999 are the primary electrical issue on the bike leading to really slow cranking, poor starting and sprag wear, these cables make a massive difference.