Best Crash Helmet

Discussion in 'Clothing, Gadgets & Equipment' started by Steviegtr, Feb 12, 2019.

  1. @Steviegtr I`m currently using a Shoei GT Air which is I think is excellent but I also have a 5 year old Nexx XR1 Carbon that I no longer use. I`ll happily post it to you for you to try out if you will cover the postage . Its quite light at 1250g, gives very good visibility and is reasonably aerodynamic so not too noisy. I would have replaced with another Nexx but was offered a cracking deal on the Shoei, too good to refuse. The Nexx is a large , if you are interested let me know.
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  2. For aerodynamic noise the Mutley is the worst bike I've ever had.... tried loads of screens... found the PIkes Peak the best... also makes me more in tune to the speed... so less chance of a speeding tax.
    The C3 for me is the best Helmet so far.
  3. I feel such a pillock. Today I have fitted a new pinlock anti fog as old one was scratched a bit. Brought C3 into house to do it. Full clean & sanitise. Then realised there is a snap lock bottom centre to lock visor down. Been riding all last year with visor just pulled down & not locked. Leaving a gap. No wonder I was slagging it for being noisy. :tired_face::tired_face::tired_face:
    • Funny Funny x 8
  4. Thanks for the great offer. I am going to persevere with what I have thanks. Especially if you read my last post. Dohhhh.
  5. I have a C4, bought on the basis that my C3 was so good that the 4 must be better.

    It’s not as comfortable and it’s more cheaply made, so I’m not a fan.
    The sunvisor ( great bit of kit on the earlier model) mists up easily. Front vent is fiddly with thick gloves, Open/closed ?? Sometimes hard to tell.

    The built in comma are ok and have a useful App, but I’d prefer to be able to plug ear buds into the lid

    I understand that a C4 pro is on the way which is supposed to address and improve on the C4
  6. Sportmodular.
  7. I tried the C4 at both Milan and the NEC shows. I have the C3 pro with the Sena 10U fitted. I could see no improvement in the C4 as a helmet at all. Would have cost me a fortune to change when the coms on the C4 are different and the Sena 10U coms will not fit.
  8. I had a pair of custom molded silicon plugs made last year when I was in holiday in NZ (no one does that here in Vietnam). The actual plugs and the filter units are from a UK based business, Advanced Communication Solutions. They were quite expensive, but in my opinion the best investment I have made in a long time. They work really well and I do not go anywhere on the bike without them. A bit of a nuisance when I have a passenger on the back as I don't have an intercom setup yet (costs...), but I can live with that. Comfort and performance is great.

    I ride a Hypermotard, not a Mutley, and use a Shoei GT Air bought in Japan (same reason as the earplugs - don't get them here) at a shop that has a specialist that will custom fit the helmet - that is modify the internals with additional padding or remove padding, to get a perfect fit. I am really happy with the helmet and will definitely consider the same again when it needs replacing - can well recommend it.
  9. Dustbin Ducbird I like it :joy:
  10. :upyeah::upyeah::upyeah::upyeah::upyeah:
  11. I’ve been an Arai guy my whole life, was always under the illusion that you have either an Arai head or a Shoei head, until recently that is. I purchased the x-spirit 2 helmet which I love, fits just as well and is perfect especially for the track. I ended up crashing in it hitting it hard so purchased a replacement.

    I also use the Arai Quantum and Arai rx7 gp.......

    I used the Quantum for the majority of last season but the plan this year is to use the Shoei for track and the Arai helmets for the road, I’ll have them as back up as well in case the inevitable happens.
  12. Wonder how many buy the carbon helmet for track days to save a bit of weight.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  13. I've used a GT Air for the past 5 years and it's been excellent apart from on a sports bike the vents aren't great. Just bought an X Spirit 3 and it's the next step up in my opinion, well worth the money at 10% off.

    Missing the sunglasses slightly but bought a dark visor so that will do.
  14. Schubert E1, the peak is a lifesaver in the low morning and evening sun on my commute (4 hours of it a day). Quiet-ish.
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  15. Interesting reading some of the posts...I have a Shoei GT Air, and ridden a MTS 1200S for 2 years..I found it to be really noisy, and went through 4 sets of ear plugs, none of which seemed to work well..including Ultimate ears. However I swopped the bike for a new Diavel last month...Now, despite the bike being “more naked” the lid is quite as a mouse!! I am very interested in a Flip, and was looking at the Schuberth as its supposed to be very quiet...but a couple of posts say its noisy....and due to bloody Covid no one will let you try one :-(
  16. This was my experience too. I swapped from bikes with a fairing - all noisy despite ear plugs - to an Xdiavel. And the Xdiavel's as quiet as a mouse. I think it's the quietest bike I've ever owned!
  17. Try putting on a termignoni full system on it and take out the baffles. You'll be eating those words
    • Funny Funny x 4
    • Agree Agree x 1
  18. If we are discussing noise with helmets, I have gone down loads of routes of testing. My conclusion is that there are no helmets that are quiet across all frequencies. I had an HJC lid that did't do it for noise protection even with plugs in. So I purchased an expensive Schuberth C2 "the quietest lid available" was a nightmare, however in conjunction with Howard Leight Max earplugs is was pretty close to perfect.

    Alas I think that this is the case for all helmets, exhausts, bikes and plugs... screens interact with the windflow, and every helmet has a different all the combination of frequencies is enormous...It's a case of finding something that works in combination.

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  19. Totally agree with the above post from The Royal Maharaja, Having owned many bikes & over many years. Found some helmets work better than others on different model of bike. My original post was not about my termi exhaust , which is loud , but about the helmet & how it was with wind noise mainly. I have since fitted a MRA Vario screen & 3D printed spacers. It is much better now.
  20. I've stuck with Shoei for years, got an X spirit 3 now and love it and still use my X spirit 2, the worst i've had for noise is Shark Evo, bloody noisey as you like but!!
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