Day One Treatment Done Now Stress Begins..

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by NOODS X, Jul 16, 2020.

  1. 0F30B299-E027-4AC1-BAB4-5B8AEA8D11AE.jpeg
    Hello my Muchly luvly band of Sisters and Brothers ..a post from under my West Ham Duvet ..

    First day of treatment done with and now the important bit... Can we beat Watford and stay in the Prem?

    I’m mega stressed already and it’s 24hrs away.. Nurse asked me was I nervous about my treatment today as my BP was higher than normal ( whatever that is?) I replied not at all, I’m sweating Muchly on Villas result tonight and then for us tomorrow ..

    Luv you all in a manly WH way with many xx to Nurse @Ducbird .. X
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  2. And there was me thinking you had high blood pressure from nurse ducbird looking after you :grinning:

    Come on West Ham
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  3. Well Vila didn't help themselves with a draw, so you should be feeling a little better? Hope your lot thrash Watford off the pitch and into the gap...
    • Love You Love You x 1
  4. I dunno how many years that you've supported West Ham but I'm used to it. Normal season as far as I'm concerned. West Ham will lose the games that you expect them to win and win (or scrape a draw) at the games that you expect them to lose.

    Anyway, a season in the championship could be fun. They'll come straight back whilst making Sullivan & Gold look like total cocks for taking on the Olympic Stadium.

    Upton Park was better as no team liked going there. Not even West Ham!
  5. IMG_1845.JPG Only real Hammers will get this Noods ;)
  6. Is that for real? Thames Ironworks (or the real one) shut down in about 1912 when shipbuilding ceased n East London. But what's that railway line at the top of the pic -the district line (that was my line when I lived in London)?
  7. Photo taken 2 weeks ago. City Island, behind Canning Town station.
  8. 1967 me old China.. With me G Dad and my Dad standing on a stool in the Chicken run... Appy Days .. X
    • Love You Love You x 1
  9. Is it a shopping centre? I haven't bothered look it up on Google maps because I'm being lazy!
  10. Blimey what a beautiful vista.. nice one my Son... X
  11. They might have painted it in Claret and blue ... X
  12. That beats me by a few years. I probably started about 1972,
  13. You're in the Premiership? When did that happen :eek:
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  14. Always been there... well,apart from a brief gap (was it two seasons or one? I chose not to remember bad times!)

  15. Flats .......... sorry, apartments !
  16. World Cup winners ............... my Son.. X
    • WTF WTF x 1
  17. IMG_0019.JPG You've probably seen this Noods. On the side of the chippy Barking Road/ Priory Road.
  18. Legends a plenty.. Nice one Son X
  19. 20200716_231310.jpg just for you noodle
    • Nuke Post Nuke Post x 1
  20. Can we keep the bad language down, please? There are sensitive souls here!
    • Funny Funny x 1
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