Joined The Forum A Prospective Owner & Returned A Panigale 1199 Owner!!! Hello From Stafford!!!

Discussion in 'Newbies Hangout' started by Riviera81, Jul 20, 2020.

  1. Got these from pipe werx waited just over a week £40 nice fit in my 1199 but I don’t use them handy to have 36ACFDBA-8212-465D-8EED-3781A62B260A.jpeg

    oh welcome and nice 1199
  2. Hi and welcome
  3. Hi and welcome.
  4. Welcome and nice bike, congrats
  5. Hi and welcome to the Ducati forum enjoy your 1199
  6. Welcome to the forum.
  7. Hello. Goota say, I do like em in red too!
  8. I know! I thought the same after! Saving up for some Dainese Ducati stuff! So will replace that pic!
  9. Welcome to the forum
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