Hi all I’ve noticed an annoying issue with my 1199 When using quick shift giving it some, When going from 5th to 6th sometimes it don’t engage and will Rev like mad and then makes you crap your pants , I was starting to think is it me not kicking up hard enough but it’s doing it to often to be me, or is it All the rest of the gears are ok When riding reasonable it don’t do it, it’s just now and again when it want to go for it, many suggestions as to why at all thank you
I thought I had a similar problem with my V4S. As mines a track bike, 6th doesn’t get much use. But at Valencia I was hooking 6th down the main straight. I just got a bit more ‘positive’ with my shift and seemed to create a path so to speak.
How high up the rev range are you changing to 6th?? In my limited experience, change up feels “slicker” when higher in the rev range.
Hmmmmm: Is the chain adjusted correctly? Have you got Stock sprocket sizes fitted? Whats the chain condition like? Are you on full gas when you change up?