Dainese Misano 2 D-air Suit

Discussion in 'Clothing, Gadgets & Equipment' started by farmster, Jul 30, 2020.

  1. Hello everyone has anybody bought a Dainese d-air suit ?
    I picked one up off the rail The other day I thought it was quite heavy. It’s the second generation suit with an air bag in the back too,
    I broke my back in 2011 not motorcycle related I fell off a ladder. I’ve got a nearly new suit a Laguna Seca, and I wear a Dainese D1 wave Back protector But sometimes after a long ride average 170 miles maybe it seems to get uncomfortable. Could Just be me getting old ! I think I’m right in saying with the new suits you can ditch your back protector ???
  2. I have one.

    The airbag doesn’t provide back protection, so Dainese’s recommendation is to wear with a back protector.

    I guess it is quite heavy, but I can’t say I notice that when I’m wearing it.

    The suit is designed for track, rather than road use. I believe that the logic used to determine whether the airbag goes off is different to the logic used in their road biased items.

    I’ve had two offs whilst wearing mine. In the first I hit the gravel at speed, from wheel buckled / dug in and I was thrown over the bars. Airbag fired but I still ended up breaking my collarbone (presumably injuries would have been worse without the airbag).

    Second time was a lowside in the wet at relatively low speed. Airbag went off, which I wasn’t convinced was completely necessary, but I guess better to be safe than sorry.

    On both occasions I had to take the suit into the Dainese store to have the airbag replaced at £190 a pop (excuse the pun).

    I wasn’t aware when I bought mine, but the suit records lots of data when ‘armed’. GPS coordinates, velocity, acceleration, lean angle etc etc. You can download all of this to a PC and then use software that they provide to analyse lap times and look for areas for improvement. Of geeky / passing interest to most, but presumably worthwhile to fast group riders and racers.
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  3. Thanks James
    Is that the second generation suit ? misano 2
  4. Yes it is.
  5. Oh right thank you that proves the salesman didn’t know what he’s talking about !!!
  6. Many D-Air suits don’t have airbag protection for the back: I wonder why Dainese does this?
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