M600 monster battery

Discussion in 'Wanted' started by Ducbird, May 23, 2013.

  1. Do we have anyone on here selling batteries before I trawl the bay etc

  2. Tut tut, Viv. You should know better - this belongs in the Wanted section, Die Polizie will be along shortly... :wink:
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  3. Moved to Wanted :smile:
  4. Oh gawd there was nothing wrong with parts or accessories Matt!!!!!.......
    Grrrr ;-)
  5. Ooooh move it to 'lounge' if there going to be an argument!!!
  6. I nearly put it there wish I had now just to get it wrong ;-D

    Matt I have plenty of tidying here you can do when you have 5 mins :p
  7. Damn, I wish this thread had been posted in Parts & Accessories, I would have seen it sooner!
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  8. I did post it there it's been bloody moved!!!! :)
  9. Why did you move it??

    • Like Like x 1
  10. Because "I like to move it; move it; move it"
  11. Thread moved to lounge!
  12. FPMSL! :biggrin:
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  13. Viv go online to Busters and get yourself a Motobatt its a bright yellow battery.
    They are brilliant for Monsters... high cranking and its Gel so if your reg rec ever goes you don't get a wrecked frame and engine casing with acid everywhere :)
    If you get stuck shout me and Il give you move details .
    I swear by them.
    Great in the colder months

    Dont forget as it gets colder ( lo,this summer h ho ho ) get yourself a bottle of PRO FST fuel additive.
    If yours is a carbie they like a sup of this in the fuel tank in the colder months.

    Hope that helps :)
  14. Thanks Mel :)
  15. Lol no nuts yet!!! :-/

  16. Lol Al you that little Lima ?
    #19 He11cat, May 26, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 16, 2014
  17. That's what I said when I reached 18............

    Well, b*gger me.....so much for Royal Mail..........

    Still, if you are loking for a new battery, do I need to send two more (of my best square nuts)??

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