899 Evotech Radiator Guards 899 Panigale

Discussion in 'Panigale' started by MarkyPancake, Aug 2, 2020.

  1. For now, I've just got the revised Evotech lower rad guard to go on and whilst it's a simple install, what's not clear in the instructions is where the sticky pads go.

    It came with two pads, both the same length, but one is twice the thickness of the other.

    The only position their instructions actually show is a smaller piece on the tab at the bottom, so I assume this needs to be cut from the thinner pad.

    I feel really dumb asking this question, but where should these pads go on this guard?

  2. Noticed in a YouTube video I watched that the guy only received one pad, which was the thick one, and he stuck it at the bottom, horizontal above the tab, so I did the same. The rest of the guard doesn't touch the radiator, like I've seen on previous bikes I've had.

    One of my stock fairing bolts you remove to fit this guard was missing the nylon washer, so I used a spare one I had on one of the supplied bolts, then reused the stock washer on the other.

    Will probably get the high Evotech rad guard as well, when EP have got them in stock. There are some on eBay, but at inflated prices.
  3. I fitted the R&G ones but the principle is the same. I cut the pads into approx 15mm pieces and stuck them around the edges of the guard.

    There's no more science to it that that really. It's just to prevent the guard from coming into direct contact with the radiator.
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  4. I was debating putting the thin one above the bottom tab, then cutting the thick one into pieces for the sides, but when I saw it wasn't touching once fixed in place, I went with the other approach.
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  5. Hi guys, do you know of anyway if stopping the oil from the chain going into the exhaust on a 899? Doing my head in...
  6. Haven't ridden mine enough yet to experience that, but already learning it's a bike with character. :)
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  7. How much oil are we talking about here?

    I've always kept my chains pretty clean to be honest, lube is only needed to stop it from rusting. It only needs a light smear for that. How much do you apply?
  8. The R&G instructions did actually say to cut the strips of pad and apply them around the edges, but as long as you're happy it doesn't touch then all is good IMO.
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  9. The Evotech guard doesn't have the frame round the outside of it like the R&G one. In hindsight, I think I may have done it the wrong way round and was supposed to use the thin pad above the tab and cut the thick pad to put down the back of the left and right sides.
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  10. Hi mate I always clean it then put a coat of wd40 on, leave it for a few days then while it off. Then the rest seems to end up on the exhaust at the bottom :( not an awful lot but enough to see it and annoy me. Would you recommend lube instead of wd40?
  11. Everyone has a different take on it, but what I do is just use some WD40 to clean it if its really dirty then hose it down.

    I'll dry the chain with a rag or tissue, then use some Wurth high performance dry chain lube to lightly coat it. Again, i'll use a tissue or rag to wipe any excess off.

    If you still have issues with it dripping, i'd be looking to get the fairings off, and the front sprocket cover and see whats it's like inside. I'm guessing its packed with muck and oil/lube from a previous owner.

    I've just had a similar issue with my other bike. I could literally spoon out the gunk inside the front sprocket cover. It was constantly finding its way out and onto the side stand.
  12. Perfect I will definitely give this a go! thanks very much
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  13. For peace of mind, I pinged Evotech an email last night about the correct foam placement and they replied this morning to say you just need a piece of foam on the back of the tab that slots between the radiator and plastic bodywork at the bottom. I explained what I had done and they didn't say I needed to remove the thick foam I applied above the tab, so I'm going to take the guard out and just add a piece of the thin foam on the back of the tab.
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