996 What Do Db Killers Sound Like ?

Discussion in '748 / 916 / 996 / 998' started by crowned, Jul 27, 2020.

  1. Hiya- I am looking at a 996S with termi carbon slip-ons, and am concerned that it will be too loud and obnoxious in the city. I live in Berlin and the cars here are generally quiet and unmodified.

    I would like the 996's sound to be the same as with open pipes, but quieter, if that makes sense.

    These are my questions:

    1: Do DB killers sound like open pipes, just quieter...or will the bike wind up sounding a bit wiffy ?

    2: Do Termis with DB Killers sound better than the stock alloy cans ?

    Thanks !
  2. I can't speak for how they'd sound fitted to a 996 but I put a pair into the race termignonis I fitted on my 900SS for the same reason you highlight. Still sounds awesome, just a bit quieter but still deeper than the stock alloys.
  3. I’ve no idea as I’ve never used them?

    They aren’t expensive, so why not just give them a go and let us know how you find them?
  4. they were in mine when I bought it, I rode it home with them but it still sounded like a Ducati ! I took them out never to be seen again !
  5. Howdy Fastmonkey--might you be interested in selling them ?
  6. Ah no, useful to keep.
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