1200 DVT Short Or Standard Screen

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by NSR500, Aug 6, 2020.

  1. Yup, I always fit steering dampers to all my bikes. I prefer slightly heavier steering.

    On the Multi, I guess its a bit Marmite but I feel better with one fitted, I had a few twitches at speed previously and now I dont. I know I can load up with luggage etc and not have any concerns at any speed on the autoroutes and autobahns. :)
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  2. I’ve now got the Zumo XT on the Jamie Clare mount. Now I’ve ridden it for a while I can honestly say it’s shite. Shakes more than my old navihalter and the screws to change the angle keep coming loose causing the screen to hang face down rendering the Zumo useless. I think I’ll mount the Zumo on the bars somehow which then means I can no longer use my tankbag. For a touring bike Ducati didn’t really didn’t cater for riders that want to use the bike for touring.
  3. upload_2020-8-8_21-54-28.png upload_2020-8-8_21-55-9.png
    Much better the givi type gs bar, it grips better and vibrates much less, I discard the navihalter, and well this one and I am very happy, also it does not bother me at all to handle the screen lever, and the mobile I use the browser does not vibrate at all, As for the puig sport screen, at least fatal for me, if it was low it hit me in the helmet that made me move my head and a lot of buffering, and it only stopped doing it if I raised it to the top, and of course, I got it up to the top, it's the same as wearing the original bass, so I sold it, and put the original back on, it's not perfect, but at least it doesn't destroy my neck

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  4. I have no issues of vibration with a Navihalter and Tomtom Rider 500 ;)
    • Agree Agree x 2
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