Ventura Rack 1199s Panigale 2014

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by AndyTheFox, Aug 6, 2020.

  1. Evenin all,

    Went to fit my Ventura rack to the Pani today, and cannot seem to find the bolts that fix the brackets to the sub frame. 4 of therm. Anyone any ideas of size, length and thread? Asked the manufacturer if they do replacements, but no answer yet.

    Also, how the f&^k are you supposed to get the bolts in when the heat shield and pipes are in the way? Answer is in the question I know, but surely an easier way?

    Cheers, Al
  2. Andy,
    I’m pretty sure they are the same as my 899, I think they are about Dia M8.0 x 12mm
    Back two fit easily, the front two are a bit fiddly , I use a ball ended Allen key passed up underneath the exhaust and through the two holes in the heatshield, be patient with lining them up, don’t force em or you’ll cross thread them and the job will be fcuked!

    See my post no 17 in link below for a bit more detail

    Don’t take the above as gospel cos I’ve had a few sherbets tonight so I’ll check for you and confirm correct details tomorrow :upyeah:
  3. Thanks Poucher, appreciated.
  4. Right Andy, here we go...

    First off copy of fitting instructions from Ventura



    I normally start by wrapping an old towel around the tailpiece so you don’t clatter it when you’re waggling the rack bars around trying to fit them, I also...and this is well worth doing, stuff an old towel around the base of the exhaust pipe, cos if you drop one of the front screws ( and I’ve done it loads before! ) the towel will catch the screw before it falls into the bellypan of the bike.
    I dropped one once and it took me about 40 minutes to find it as it had dropped between the two silencers and was wedged there!!


    These are the screws you’re missing by the sound of it, dia M8.0 x 25mm long ( just as well I checked!) I have substituted the roundheaded screws at the rear for cap heads, as I think you get a better purchase on them to tighten em up

    I’ve just shown the right hand bracket here for simplicity, but I start by putting the brackets in place and just putting in the rear screws and plates loosely so you can move them about to make fitting the front screws easier

    Once you have both brackets on the bike and loosely supported, you can move on to putting the front screws in,..this is where it gets a bit fiddly...
    You need to get your ball ended Allen key through these two holes in the heatshield,..this view is looking up directly underneath them

    It’s a bit of a juggling act, trying to align the brackets, hold the screw and plate and then getting the Allen key through the holes in the heatshield at the right angle because you have to tilt the Allen key backwards slightly, that’s why I use the ball ended Allen key , screw is not in position here but it gives you an idea of what you’re aiming for


    Once you have all 4 screws and the two plates fitted and just loosely tightened up, I then fit the rack, the side brackets are able to move slightly and this helps you get the rack fitted easier, once the rack is in tighten the little round screws and lock rings with the peg tool.
    This is where the towel stops you clonking the bike.
    Finally go back underneath the seat / exhaust area and finish tightening the 4 bracket screws, remove all towels and your good to go!

    Hope this helps and if I’ve not explained anything properly just give me a shout :upyeah:
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  5. Thanks a lot. Appreciated.
  6. Ventura systems can be quite a faff to fit on some bikes but my experience is that they are a really great setup once installed and are well worth the effort
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