748 Rear Shock options

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by sam1176uk, May 25, 2013.

  1. Hi folks,

    My original Showa rear shock has started to leak slightly and I appear to have 3 options:

    Refurbish/repair existing shock - £70-£100 approx
    Brand new Showa shock - £200 approx inc fitting
    Brand new Ohlins shock - £500 - £580 inc fitting

    I know very little about the subject, so i'm looking for any thoughts/opinions on how worthwhile any of these options would be?
    Bike is mainly used on the road, with about 2 trackdays per year but i wouldn't say i was particularly fast/hard on the bike, i'd assume the Ohlins would be wasted on me?

  2. Used ohlins and get it valved/damped and resprung to suit you.
  3. What would that cost, to get the ohlins valved, damped and resprung?
  4. a couple of hundred quid, and it will be better than a new. It will be for your weight etc
  5. Based on what I have just seen with a Showa shock (incorrectly or badly assembled from the factory) you will be better off spending money on the Ohlins if you can afford it..................If not get the old Showa repaired by a specialist....at least it will be put together properly.

  6. Yep, what cranker said.
  7. 200 quid plus the cost of buying a second hand one (dunno, 100-200 approx), be as well paying extra for the new one perhaps..
  8. If this is within budget then yes, at least that way you know it's right. Plus if you're buying new you can get the right springing to start with. :upyeah:
  9. The ohlins is old stock that a local garage has left over, hence the cheap price. I'd doubt that it will come with a choice of spring, how do I make sure it is suitable for me? I weight 185lbs without gear.
  10. Try asking Ohlins themselves or Performance Parts..........They can usually tell you what an older shock was fitted with as a 'standard' spring, but your best bet is to go to a suspension specialist and get them to set it all up for you (static sag and rider sag etc)....they will soon tell you if the spring is right or wrong.

    But you are going to a helluva lot of expense for road riding and a few track days....IMHO.

  11. That's what I was trying to establish - whether the ohlins would be worthwhile for my use, I suspect not.
    Replacement showa for 200 quid seem more sensible?
  12. instead of fnding a 2nd hand ohlins and having it overhauled and revalved and resprung, you could also go for a brand new nitron on wilburs shock bought with the correct spring for your weight
  13. I had a quick look at the nitron shocks, they seemed to be around the 350 mark so by the time it was posted and fitted it was close to the price of the ohlins.
  14. I have just had a secondhand Showa completely overhauled.......£100.

    It was in a bad way and had never been correctly assembled in the first place.

  15. Can I ask who did the work on your showa?
  16. SCM Suspension Sevices, Ipswich............probably too far for you, but 5 miles from me.........

    I also have MCT within say, 15 miles.

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