Ale In The Fridge

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by PerryL, Aug 11, 2020.

  1. OK, I succumbed!

    I know that beer should be served at room temp but my room temp is too much! I did physio this morning, got a beer delivery from Stroud brewery, and just put together a new shredder for my overgrown garden!

    It's 32 degrees c here and I'm exhausted! Took a cold soft drink can from the fridge and down in one, next coffee as a warm drink is supposed to cool you on a hot day! Next Beer o'clock!

    I had run out of beer and Stroud weren't going to deliver until tomorrow - but they now take pity on me!
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  2. Beer should be served at room temperature in an unheated room within thick stone walls and thatched roof, so probably about 5 degrees C. After all, you can always stand your “Spare Pint” in front of the fire to warm it, like we used to in the Red Lion at Penderyn when they’d demolished the end wall one winter!
  3. My fridge will be about 5 and so I'll drink it with a clear conscience!!!
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  4. Lagers should be at fridge temp, 4º-5ºC but ales are best at around 10º-12ºC. I often put a bottle or two in the freezer for 20-30 minutes to get it down to drinking temperature quickly. Just don't forget about it.
  5. This isn't lager. If it was then it would go in the fridge anyway.

    I am committing sacrilege by putting real ale in the fridge!
    • Agree Agree x 3
  6. Read my post above more carefully. I wouldn't drink real ale at fridge temperature either.
  7. Sacrilege - but flipping nice cold!

    • Disagree Disagree x 1
  8. I'm a Guinness man myself and don't like it cold but fuck they're going in the fridge for beer Oclock tonight:p.
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    • Funny Funny x 1
  9. I couldn't wait for tonight!
    • Funny Funny x 1
  10. Mine's on tap all day everyday cool cool clear water.
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  11. Fyi. Fridge should be 4c or below. Bacteria go dormant then. Above 4c they multiply and create toxins. Just saying
    • Useful Useful x 1
  12. I thought that it was 0-5?
  13. Everything gets put in the fridge regardless what brand it is,if you want a cold one then this is the way forward.
  14. You need some proper northern beer ;)

  15. Are you confusing with they multiply at between 5c & 63c ? So below 4c they become dormant (but not dead). That's what we were taught when I qualified at 'Intermediate level Food Hygiene' anyway. I was 40 years in the food industry. Always happy to learn something new though:upyeah: My fridge is set at 3c.
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  16. all this thread is doing is making me thirsty and i've got no beer of any kind now, will have to move to whisky and "cold additive".
    with 32 deg temp in the house now, it's going to be a long night..
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  17. i have ice cold magners.. but only one left.... :worried:
  18. :splat::splat::splat: down in one..
    • Funny Funny x 1
  19. That’ll be from Bradfield brewery. They have their own pubs aswell. :beer:
  20. My fridge is definitely working but I tried a coffee thermometer and it goes straight past 20 when I open the door. Trying again by putting in a coffee jug of water in. I'll leave it until tomorrow now and stick the thermometer in the water.

    I say that it's definitely working but a I don't really know.
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