748 Belt Change. Special 22mm Spanner Required?

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by chizel, Aug 11, 2020.

  1. hi team.
    i decided to give doing my own belts a bash. watched a few vids and im away. except i had no 22mm spanner so ive just bought 2 from halfords with slightly different offsets. neither fit right and the open ender aint worth a wan....
    am i missing something? do i need to get the grinder out to modify spanner?
    also the 12mm nut will turn along side the 22 without holding the 22mm adjusting nut, does this mean the stud is lose in the engine casing or is that normal?
  2. I have a normal 22mm combination spanner. That works well. It's not a nut it's just a hex to tension the belts. The 12mm nut is what holds the tensioner assembly to the engine/stud. Yes you will have to hold the 22mm tensioner in place while you tighten up the inner nut. So to be clear. You don't "undo" the 22. Just the 12. It will all become obvious when you see it in bits.
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  3. The vertical cylinder forward camshaft is a bugger to keep in the right position unless you lock it in place. It can be done without a locking tool but a third hand is really helpful in that case.
  4. thanx but im more interested in the correct spanner to hold the 22mm adjusting nut whilst i undo the 12mm loc nut.
  5. 22mm combination spanner with 15 degree ring end is what I have
  6. Spanner and home made locking tool


  7. spanner loox about the same degree as mine. anyhu mine wasnt seating right so i ground some of the bac out and it has done the job. but i have managed to losen the studs! what now? remove loctite and reinstall?
  8. I used a 22mm box spanner that I cut down with a hacksaw so it fits in the gap between the adjuster and frame tube. Then I used an adjustable wrench to hold the box spanner. The 12mm nut was tightened through the short box spanner.
    Cheap but effective.
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  9. ive mastered that bit now mate... now its a matter of what to do with the studs ive losened!
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  10. Tighten the studs to 25-28Nm and use Loctite 222, according to the manual.
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  11. these are the studs with the 19mm nut fixed to them for the belt tensioner pully?
    i can get loctite 222 but i wont be able to get my torque wrench into the vert cylinder.
  12. You could use a crowfoot at right angles to the torque wrench.
  13. hmmm... would that get in there? what would be a good brand to buy?
  14. I think it would allow you to clear the frame tube. Brand? Dunno, anything reputable I guess.
  15. just had a lil look at my wrench and the stud and id say i have to use a small extension to clear the other pullys. would that be alright with these crowfoot things? also wondering if the drive on the extension would not go too far through the crowfoot to allow it to sit square on the nut, as in hit the case behind the nut?
  16. sorry mate, i didnt see this reply only your second hence the daft question about the spanner...
    it does all become obvious when seeing in bits :upyeah:
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  17. As long as the extension is short and you steady it with your other hand it should be ok. As for the extension going too far through the crowfoot, I have no idea.
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  18. First time I did my belts the stud came out, I loctite'd (I made a new word) and just nipped it back in without a torque wrench due to access - it's still there :upyeah: you can get a feel for the torque by using the torque wrench on the horizontal cylinder, it's not a lot.
    If you use a crows foot it's best to have it at 90 degrees so the torque is accurate
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  19. i got to thin.ing exactly the same thing. im of to get loctite now!
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