899 Panigale Gear Lever

Discussion in 'Wanted' started by Duane Barrett, Aug 14, 2020.

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  1. Hi, does anyone possibly have a 899 gear lever going spare? In need of one urgently.
    Also looking for a set of rearsets, which argent so urgent.
  2. 370978BD-1463-460A-9C3D-63C6F834DDA7.jpeg Any use, brand new, when you say rear sets do you mean aftermarket?
  3. Hi, yes I was looking for some aftermarket rear sets or at least a standard gear lever. Thanks.
  4. Is that the gear lever I can see ??
  5. Yes standard rear sets with gear leaver, taken from a race bike so never used, tbh I would rather sell complete, I have other side also, looking for £45 delivered.
  6. Hi, I am happy to pay you the £45.00
    How do you want me to pay you ??
  7. Just pm’d you :upyeah:
  8. Hi I have sent your payment.
    Thanks Duane.
  9. There you go. Benefits of becoming a member of the best bike forum in the world. :upyeah:
    Now you should pay £15 and subscribe.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  10. I can’t disagree. I shall pay the £15.00 and subscribe.
    • Like Like x 1
  11. Couple of trips to Halfords with the trade card and it’s paid for. :upyeah:
  12. That would be a great advantage yes.
    I am in the motor trade so unfortunately trips to Halfords are few. but never the less I am sure it will come in handy one day. And I will be grateful of my discount card
  13. Great, thanks :)

    would you like me to close the thread?
  14. Payment received,Thank you @Ducbird do you like the up close and personal 2004 model :upyeah:
  15. Thread closed
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