Corona Job List... 1 Fuel Pump Pipe.

Discussion in 'Sport Classic' started by Mitch-D, Apr 23, 2020.

  1. 6FB2AB60-336E-412B-995B-521844FFA06B.jpeg BDBD5922-F9BB-4743-A5A9-FB55010750E3.jpeg Hi Guys and Gals

    It’s been a while, I introduced myself back end of last year here on the forum to a lovely warm welcome. Shortly thereafter the bike went to bed and so did my Forum time. But in light of the current situation I’ve dragged her back to life..

    So car with split brake pipe... must travel.. now tax bike, ride for essential trip, 12 miles away or so.. riding along loving being on the bike for the first outing of the season... burrrrrrrr..... then nothing.

    Had to get my mate to rescue me with a trailer. So after a little diagnosis it turns out to be the classic fuel pump pipe slip. Which i’d Read about and never checked on my previously unloved 2006 SC.

    So dove in with fuel pump out, order new seals and filter, thank you eBay with part number and o-ring measurement avoided the factory prices and they weren’t delivering either. There was a chunk of cardboard floating around in there too..!

    As the bike has been imported from the USA and they have big problems with the E10 gas over there the tank has been lined with.. goo. Lots of it. It is pretty hard and ain’t going anywhere.
    Turns out it was the original fuel filter, at least from 2005, split it open just to see.. fairly contaminated. I replaced the short fuel pipe with some in-fuel stuff and then lockwired the assembly so it cannot pop off in the future. The bead is simply too small on that fuel pump.

    At the same time changed the damaged o-ring on the filler assembly to stop the water ingress, which has previously halted progress on one occasion.. all a bit crusty in the seal mechanism, but easy enough to clean and lube.

    All back together and running as it should, I changed the old plastic quick release fuel unions for new ones which is a massive improvement over tired versions! No need for the cable tie and worry of a fireball..

    I hope those images work... what is the best way?

    Since then I have started another couple of jobs which have spiralled out of control..
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  2. Lol lockdown keeping us busy.
  3. EE2B0CB5-425F-4DB4-BD3A-590C55D15104.jpeg I’m ‘lucky’ to still be working from home, but the time and opportunity are too much to ignore..

    Here’s a shot of the bizarre coating in the tank..
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  4. Hey thanks for the report and for the nice pics! I might have a similar problem, but didn't figure it out yet..
  5. Good luck sorting the problem. Worth checking the pump relay - another common fuel system issue to stop them in their tracks.
    An initial check to confirm a loose fuel pipe is to lean the bike from side to side and try to hear if the fuel filter is clonking around in the tank. I heard that bit of advise out after taking the fuel pump out at home, it wouldn't have changed anything but would have spent less time trying to 'fix' the bike by the roadside..
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