Where To Get Lil Wellnuts In Stainless

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by chizel, Aug 17, 2020.

  1. Hi team. I'm after lil wellnuts in stainless for joining the fairing halfs on my 748.
    Got some offa eBay but the heads are HUGE!
  2. I guess you meant well nuts with stainless screws?
    You can but the well nuts and stainless screws separately. I think it is M4 you want for the fairing lowers, although they may be M3.
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  3. That's who I got em off but the heads are HUGE... I want little ones.
  4. You want button head screws not 'flanged' button head screws
  5. Ahhh. You er didn't say that.o_O
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