I subscribe and pay good money for The Times. Part of the "deal" is that they send me daily emails that are full of ads, or when I click on an article. I have explained that I no longer need a "miracle cure" for car scratches but they just ignore me and only contact me to ask for more money for my subscription. So feck 'em and Jeremy Clarkson - I am gonna go elsewhere. But who to? I want a good broadsheet like The Times. Anyone got any recommendations? Or, should I just stick to BikeSport News and Duke Video?
One way or another they all have an agenda so I guess you should pick the one that you agree with the most to make you feel happy or the one you disagree with the most if you want to see another point of view. I like to read 3 or 4 different ones and sometimes it feels like they are reporting on different countries judging by the stories they do or dont report on as well as the angle they take. Maybe take @Harry Bell `s advice and check out Razzle first on a daily basis so you are chilled when you get to the Daily Mail.
Down here in Wales are local Buses hand out The Metro . More free stuff folks........ Personally i wouldn't even wipe my ass on any Daily Rag let alone spend money on the shite.
Please stick to the good old British Arse, none of this imported American Ass nonsense unless you have a pet donkey and that is what you are talking about.
I got a reply from The Times and it was very Bob Hoskins in 'The Long Good Friday'. Effectively, I am a long streak of p1ss! To keep the cost of subscriptions low, they still show you advertisements. Very Murdoch - and stupid. They may well hold all the cards but I've got the money!!! I wonder what would happen if the BBC started showing ads and their reasoning was that it was to keep the TV License fee down? Murdoch has entered a new age and I am still behind. What a pity...
If you also get magazines, try Readly. Low monthly subs, loads of mags, including bike mags and they've started adding daily papers, currently Observer & Evening Standard. We've got 5 accounts on it (single sub) so each person has their own profile. Love it.
Just checked; Independent, not Observer and yes, Standard is London based. The newspaper side is new, maybe one to keep an eye on rather than suitable now.
Slightly off topic, but adding to the readly comment. Firstly readly is def worth checking out. But also worth researching what electronic offerings your local library has. Whilst readly was great for magazines for us, we ended up ditching it in favour of Surrey libraries electronic offering, rb digital. Several bike and car mags on there - haven’t found razzle yet - plus enough to keep the other half happy. However, unfortunately it doesn’t do newspapers.
Best to try the British Library for the fruity mags https://www.thesun.co.uk/archives/n...ection-british-library-has-vast-porn-archive/
Find out if your local authority library supports Pressreader. If you are a library member (which is free), and your authority supports Pressreader you can get pretty much every publication (newspapers and magazines) for no cost. I've had this for a couple of years now, and it's brilliant - haven't purchased a paper or magazine since I started using it. The principle is you can go to your local library to read papers/magazines, this is just the digital version. The Times isnt there, but the Telegraph, Independant, Guardian, + tabloids are all there. All my bike magazine are there as well so Bike, Ride, MCN, Fast Bikes, MSL. RBW.