Just picked this red head up on the weekend. She needs some TLC so my winter project is sorted. Glad to have a motorcycle I can take the children out on.
Nice bike mister. Keep us posted on the refresh. Lots of pics. You think this forum has been bitchy lately, it's been summer! Wait till winter. We need bike builds...
Thanks @chizel. I plan to do just that. The plan is too start with a deep clean to get a clearer view of what is required. The pics are quite flattering to be honest. The tail was chopped but quite a hack job with home made brackets so that need sorting. Tank is dented and it needs some paint corrections. Hopefully I will get time to drop the engine so I can have the frame and engine repainted. That’s the start but you know how these projects can spiral.
Thanks for the kind words chaps. I believe she was worth the trip. I drove over 1600kms round trip this weekend to fetch her. The previous owner stays just below the Arctic circle.
It doesn't look too bad at all, but there's always the allure of pulling your bike to bits and spending a fortune to fill up the winter nights!
Leonic, nice machine, does look well, Uppsala? You'll be familiar with the exploits of certain ghostrider then!
Thanks @West Cork Paul I am pretty happy with it. These old 90's Monsters are certainly getting harder to find nowadays. They were the beater bikes of the 00's. The prices are also starting to climb on them so I am happy I found a lowish mileage example. Thanks @Irish Yeah it looks pretty good in pics but closer up you can see it has had a tough life. I noticed a really bad splatter at lower speeds on a ride yesterday. I'm hoping its just a dirty carburettor or clogged fuel filter.