Tax Disc Holder where do you put yours pics please

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by Big stu, May 25, 2013.

  1. cos they cant see it when your going past at 150 haha ;)
    #21 Phill, May 27, 2013
    Last edited: May 27, 2013
  2. I carry my tax disc in an inner pocket of my biking jacket ;-)

    # doesn't get nicked
    # doesn't get soggy from leaky holder
    # doesn't get lost when holder breaks off / falls off the bike
    # no hassle mounting it!

    A really pedantic copper could still do me but I picked up this idea from guys that have done the same for years.
  3. IMG_2088.jpg
    i keep mine in one of those tax disc holder things you can buy from the shops

  4. Where do you find a tax disc holder in the shops - where is it located?
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  5. thats how i got fined, tax disc in winter jacket pocket, me wearing summer jacket!!
  6. straight away you stand out for a tug....
    ...we never get summer !
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  7. Can open.............worms EVERYWHERE
  8. [​IMG]
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