899 899 Hard To Start

Discussion in 'Panigale' started by davejh77, Sep 13, 2020.

  1. Hi all,

    I bought my bike from a dealership a couple of weeks ago. When I bought it they put a new battery on as they said it had gone dead. All has been fine.

    However, today I went to get it out of my lock up to meet up with mates. It took me about 5 goes to start it first thing this morning. It did start okay after about 5 attempts, no smoke or anything. Met up with friends and turned it off whilst we stood chatting for 10 mins. Went to start it again and just wouldn't fire. Turned over nice and smooth but just wouldn't ignite. After multiple attempts and I must have tried for a good 15 mins it did eventually start.

    Am going to call the dealership Tuesday but anyone got any ideas? I am thinking fuelling issue? The only thing I have really done differently is I brimmed it yesterday with Shell V Power instead of the regular Shell unleaded. I take it that isn't going to make a difference?


  2. This happened to me the first day I brought my 899 around 4 years ago now, turned out to be an o2 sensor on the exhaust, it wouldn’t start when hot was the main symptom. Snells got it sorted out for me straight away on warranty.
  3. Gonna contact the dealer first thing tomorrow when they open. Mine did it from cold as well though. It did start easier from cold, still took 4 or 5 attempts though. From warm was a completle nightmare though.

    I take it these bikes dont have the carbon catcher on them? Read a load of things yesterday about it, but think they are just on the US models of the bike
  4. So, just as a little update on this.

    Spoke to the dealer I bought the bike from, he was going to come and collect but was honest in that he said they would take it to Ducati so I have it booked in with my local Ducati dealership for next wednesday.

    I think I have 2 separate issues. I believe the cold start issue and hot start are two separate issues. Ducati said to me on the phone that there is an outstanding recall to be done on the bike, I think it is something to do with the ECU and I think this is the cold start problem.

    The hot start problem I can get around. If I put the bike into wet mode it will start 99% of the time when hot. In sport or race it wont start until the bike cools down to about 55 degrees. Could be as mentioned above an O2 sensor, I'm sure they will sort it next week.
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  5. I had an incident like this on my 899. It eventually started from cold, but would not run properly afterwards. Turned out to be a failed horizontal map sensor. Replaced both. All good now.
  6. ...is the right answer, it being only two weeks after purchase, hope it gets solved in one go.
  7. I actually have a couple of those blighters as TD spares.
  8. Okay, so I am gonna have to man up and admit I think I have maybe made a mistake here. Not about buying the bike, no it's fricking awesome. It maybe, just maybe, my fault with the starting issue :blush:

    So, Ducati had it in yesterday, got a phone call from them today. They have tried everything to replicate the fault I was getting and can't get it to not start, either when hot or cold. Plugged it into diagnostic and no fault showing. Rode it for 20 mins, left to idle for another 10 and started on the button.

    He then said to me 'You don't give it any throttle when you start it do you'?. Now I had to be 'honest' and say I may do - on occasion. Muscle memory from years of riding bikes with a manual choke. Apparently they don't react too well to having any throttle input what so ever when starting. Ooops.

    Not a total waste of time as there was a recall done on the bike and I got a spare key programmed with them anyway. Just feel like a real bloody idiot now, picking the bike up tomorrow, might just keep my lid on so he doesn't see my embarrassment.
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  9. Yes hard not to fiddle with the throttle, took me a long time to get used to it when injection came in on bikes. Even when stumbling when cold you just need to leave it to sort itself out uh uh don't touch!
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