french gay marriage

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by funkyrimpler, May 29, 2013.

  1. well its a historic day for the equal marriage argument. the first gay marriage in france today, to raptorous waiting for the christians to hold demos outside every gay wedding.
    good luck to the couple.
  2. I was brought up in a Christian home and the whole gay thing was frowned upon. This has no outcome on my opinion which is of total disinterest in what other people get up to in the privacy of their own homes. I have worked with gay people who were in civil partnerships and I never asked them about it the same as I never asked the straight people I worked with about their reasons for getting married or just co- habiting.
  3. good luck to the lucky husband and wife
  4. The media never say or suggest "who serves and who receives" (tennis metaphor). I'm sure they will stoop to that level eventually. They have already, on many other issues.
  5. Nearly every weekend there have been demonstrations in Paris,I happened to be in Paris last Sunday and there was over a million on the streets,they use this as an excuse but ofcourse it turns into a political rally ,but the numbers turning out are huge.
  6. demonstrations for ????
  7. I really can't see what people have to protest about. What planet are these people living on?

    If 2 people want to get married, how does that affect anyone else? Aren't there more important things in life to get worked up about?

    Do these people fear it might become compulsory, we'd all have to take a partner of the same sex? Homosexuality by the back door?. :eek:
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  8. What they fear is their own feelings. Heterosexual people who are genuinely secure in their own feelings are not concerned with gays - they are not worried by anything gay people do. It is closet gays, and people who are uncertain and fearful of themselves, who become obsessively homophobic. They can't think about anything else!
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